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Sacred Heart Church Austin, Texas Stewardship Campaign YOU CAN COUNT ON ME! / PUEDES CONTAR CONMIGO! Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Sacred Heart Church Austin, Texas Stewardship Campaign YOU CAN COUNT ON ME! / PUEDES CONTAR CONMIGO! Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sacred Heart Church Austin, Texas Stewardship Campaign YOU CAN COUNT ON ME! / PUEDES CONTAR CONMIGO!

2 Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.  Our Lady, Seat of wisdom, pray for us.

3 Five years of growth Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Austin



6 EARLY LESSONS 2012 – 2013 First Used Traditional Stewardship Program
Provided by Diocese DISMAL FAILURE WHAT WENT WRONG? EVERYTHING! Going forward ??? Elizabeth resisted going back to old program Elizabeth created “You Can Count On Me!” This is Elizabeth’s Stewardship Program

7 Pre-Requisites for Growth Lessons Learned
2nd Baptist Church Lesson Transparency Lesson “Show me the money” Continuous Visible Improvement Lesson If they don’t see where the money is going, little will change Newcomers Don’t Give Lesson Community formation is continuous People come and go - continuously Don’t Talk About Money Lesson Unless you are going to talk about money.

8 Pre-Requisites for Growth Lessons Learned
Stewardship is essential to pastoral ministry in a Hispanic Parish Continuous Community Formation We are forming: Hopeful parishioners Texas Catholics, American Catholics, Roman Catholics The Mexican Church is different

9 TRUST – TRANSPARENCY Parish Revenue up 75% in five years
Recent Comments by Parish Council Prior to Father’s arrival 3 years ago widespread mistrust regarding of use of funds – “We never saw the fruit of our giving” Easier to donate free time and labor – We could see the fruit of our physical labors New pastor brought transparency Frequent, even excessive financial reports “Now we see the fruits and feel confident giving our money to the Parish” Parish Revenue up 75% in five years Then you can count on me

10 Sacred Heart Parish ~1000+ ??? Registered Families
(Families reluctant to register) 7 Weekend Masses for 3,000 to 3,500 attendees Count Mass attendance: ~ 6 years data 2 English Masses for approximately 250 weekly attendance Anglo parishioners generally older 5 Spanish Masses for approximately 3,000+ weekly Younger Hispanic parishioners, most are immigrants Reconciliation: 4 hours scheduled weekly Up to 15 man hours per week with 3 priests

11 Sacred Heart Parish - 2017 Baptisms 514 First Communion 465
Confirmation Weddings Funerals Quinceaneras

12 Religious Education – 2017-2018
Sacred Heart Parish Religious Education – 1,400+ students in Religious Education Down from 1850 in

13 Challenging Facilities
Rapid growth, changing demographics Obsolete buildings; Deferred Maintenance Lack of space for ministries Mold and Asbestos problems Air conditioners: All being replaced Sanctuary only seats ~490 (Needs to double in size) Lack of parking; Parking lot deterioration

14 What Works? Blessings: SISTERS!!!
Catholic school education for the poorest: No Barriers! 160+ children K – 12 in nearby Diocesan schools Good RE program (Pre-K to Adult) Boy Scouts; Girl Scouts; Cub Scouts Only Hispanic Scouting program in region & growing Adult spirituality programs CRHP, Movimiento Familiar, SINE, Prayer groups ESL (English as a Second Language) Pro-Life Program is Pro-Family: Robust, regular programs


16 What Works? Customer Service: Front Office Attitude Give service:
Welcoming, Positive Parish registration not required for service Give service: Provide broad range of family-oriented ministries: EDUCATE: Good Catechism programs: Child and Adult Pro-life/Pro-Family Environment Spiritual growth opportunities, retreats Respect Cultural Devotions: “Quinceaneras”, “Presentaciones” Our Lady of Guadalupe: Teach, Explain, Respect Baby sitting Keep the Staff involved in decisions, issues Regular (Weekly) Staff meetings; Everybody’s Agenda

17 What Works? GOOD LITURGIES Good Preaching and Teaching for Community
The Mass. The Mass. The Mass. ONE LITURGY – Not 7 – Not Anglo vs Hispanic Good Preaching and Teaching for Community Preach the Announcements Announcements say who we are; what we do If it’s important enough to announce, then EXPLAIN Dialog with the community; Consistent messages FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY Good Finance Council; publish reports often Multiple Counting Teams - Essential Facilities: Continuous, visible improvement

18 Stewardship Continuous education on Stewardship
“What is a parishioner?” “What is tithing?” (“Diezmo”) Significant, continuous increase in parish income requires: Trust, Transparency Continuous, visible improvements Planned, Ongoing Stewardship Formation Spiritual, Personal, Family, Parish Need to Teach Planned Giving

19 Stewardship Formation
“You Can Count on Me!” FIRST FOUR WEEKS 1 2 3 4 Community Formation Stewardship Formation Why Christians Tithe? Ask for Financial Support What is a parishioner? Membership Awareness Parish Registration Commit at Mass NO MONEY TALK TALK MONEY!!!

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