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ESWC’14 龚赛赛.

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Presentation on theme: "ESWC’14 龚赛赛."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESWC’14 龚赛赛

2 General info Acceptance rate 25% Best research paper Best in-use paper
Submissions 204, accepted 50 Best research paper Trusty URIs: Verifiable, Immutable, and Permanent Digital Artifacts for Linked Data Best in-use paper Predicting Severity of Road Traffic Congestion using Semantic Web Technologies Best 7-year paper (ESWC 2007) What have Innsbruck and Leipzig in Common

3 Track Overview

4 Interesting talks Programming the Semantic Web
Steffen Staab (Universität Koblenz-Landau, DE) Programming the Semantic Web “semantic web data is wonderful, but programming them changed too little since 2000 and still is a mess” Outside data management Understanding by developer Triple-object mapping Code generation Process of federation Example: Node Path Query language Store.NPQ(C).”mo:MusicArtist”.Extension

5 Interesting talks Coordination, Semantics, and Autonomy
Semantic Web helps us deal with problems with high degree of coordination complexity Require human-machine communication and coordination Human talk to each other much less than devices "humans: intelligent, free, conscious - machines nowaday: smart, autonomous, self-monitoring" The predictability and manipulability of autonomous choices "the more rational you decide the more predictable you are“ are you still free? Luciano Floridi(Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK)

6 Volker Tresp(Siemens and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, DE)
Machine Learning with Knowledge Graphs

7 Interesting papers Freddy Lecue(IBM Research) Predicting Severity of Road Traffic Congestion using Semantic Web Technologies Predictive reasoning in stream context Traffic controllers in Dublin City Ireland, part of IBM STAR-CITY about 60s to make predication

8 Interesting papers Tobias Kuhn(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Trusty URIs: Verifiable, Immutable, and Permanent Digital Artifacts for Linked Data

9 Interesting papers Thomas Gottron(WeST, University of Koblenz-Landau, DE) (*) Providing Alternative Declarative Descriptions for Entity Sets using Parallel Concept Lattices New angles, new impulses of different descriptions to avoid local optimum Formal concept analysis lattice mapping: min-ext, max-red for appoximation

10 Interesting papers Khadija Elbedweihy (University of Sheeld, UK) (*) NL-Graphs: A Hybrid Approach toward Interactively Querying Semantic Data NL+affective graphs Experts took longer time to formulate queries

11 Interesting papers Besnik Fetahu (L3S Research Center, Leibniz University Hannover) A Scalable Approach for Efficiently Generating Structured Dataset Topic Profiles Dataset profile Topic profile = <entity, entity topic> pairs Sparql dataset->sample and extract dbpedia entities from literal values->extract topics from dbpedia categories->construct connected topic graphs Rank topics

12 Other papers Ilaria Tiddi(KMi) Dedalo: looking for Clusters Explanations in a Labyrinth of Linked Data Path or property chain with end values as an explanation Iteratively traverse linked data to select important property chain Use entropy, length, TF-IDF to score path

13 Other papers Unsupervised Link Discovery Through Knowledge Base Repair
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo(University of Leipzig) Unsupervised Link Discovery Through Knowledge Base Repair Unsupervised link discovery for n>=2 datasets Repair erroneous or missing information Generate a benchmark for n>2 knowledge base

14 Other papers (GESIS Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences) Survey on Common Strategies of Vocabulary Reuse in Linked Open Data Modeling (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences) Object Property Matching utilizing the Overlap between Imported Ontologies (University of Aberdeen) Towards Competency Question-driven Ontology Authoring

15 coCoref Questions 学习算法和用户反馈的交互 Active learning SView 和 SView dataset细节

16 Tutorial Graphium ( QA
Challenges for Linked Data Mapping NL to vocabulary elements Handling meaning variations Multilinguality Data quality and data heterogeneity Distributed and linked datasets Performance and scalability Semantic Data Management in Graph databases Graphium (

17 Challenge Semantic web publishing challenge
Rexplore (F. Osborne et al. (KMi), iswc13) Book recommendation challenge Concept-level sentiment analysis challenge

18 Poster and demo

19 ESWC’15 Portoroz, Slovenia

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