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Hair Types Lanuga Vellus Terminal Fetal hair Delicate, unpigmented

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1 Hair Types Lanuga Vellus Terminal Fetal hair Delicate, unpigmented
Short, fine, unpigmented Covers body Males- replaced with terminal hair on face during puberty Terminal Covers fetus near birth Long, coarse, pigmented Scalp, eyelashes, eyebrow

2 Hair: What is it? Dead, keratinized epithelial cells
Is composed of 3 layers: Medulla Central axis 2-3 layers of soft keratin Cortex Forms the bulk of the hair Hard keratin Cuticle Single layer of cells filled with keratin Edges overlap like shingles

3 Hair Has three components Shaft Root Hair bulb
Above skin Root Below skin Hair bulb Area of growth The hair rests in a hair follicle

4 Hair Follicle (The area in which the hair rests)
Consists of 2 parts 1. Dermal root sheath Portion of the dermis that surrounds the follicle Outermost layer 2. Epithelial root sheath External portion Has all 4 strata of thin skin at the opening of the follicle Deeper in the hair follicle, only strata spinosum and basale Helpful for regrowth during damage Internal portion Holds hair in place Comes out when you remove a hair (the white tissue around the hair)


6 Hair Bulb The hair bulb is at the base of the hair root.
Inside bulb is a mass of undifferentiated epithelial cells = matrix Dermis projects into bulb as a papilla and provides nourishment to cells of matrix

7 Hair Growth has two stages.
Growth stage Matrix cells differentiate, become keratinized, and die Hair grows as cells are added at hair root Eventually growth stops, follicle shortens, and falls out Resting stage New hair replaces old hair that fell out

8 Interesting Facts about hair growth
Eyelashes – 30 days grow and 105 days rest Scalp – 3 years growth and 1-2 years rest At any given time, 90% of scalp hairs are growing 100 hairs lost every day

9 Hair color Melanin from melanocytes in matrix
Amount/ type determine color Grey hair is from lack of melanin production

10 Arrector pili muscle Smooth muscle tissue
Contraction causes a pull on hair follicle to cause “Goosebumps” Cold- to trap air and insolate Scared- to appear larger in size

11 Nails Protects digits Used for scratching and Grasping

12 Nail structures Nail root Nail body Nail fold Nail groove Eponychium
Below skin Nail body Visible portion of the nail Nail fold Skin covering the lateral and proximal edges of the nail Nail groove Holds the nail in place Eponychium Cuticle Hyponychium The skin underneath the free edge

13 Nail growth Nail bed Nail matrix
Area that nail root and body attaches to Visible and appears pink because of blood vessels in the dermis Nail matrix Matrix made of stratum germantivum (epidermis) Nail cells are produced in the matrix and are pushed distally over the nail bed (Just like hair and skin) Matrix makes up the lanula, the whitish, crescent shaped area (thicker therefore you cannot see the blood vessels) Grow mm per day

14 Glands Sebaceous In the dermis Produce Sebum Holocrine
A oily and white substance rich in lipids Holocrine Connected by a duct to upper part of hair follicle Prevents drying, protection against bacteria

15 Sweat glands Merocrine Open to surface through sweat pores 2 parts
Deep coiled part produces a watery, isotonic fluid with salt As it moves through duct, the salt leaves the duct and stays in body to conserve salt Hyposmotic fluid is excreted through pores Sweat evaporated to cool body

16 Sweat glands Apocrine Opens before reaching surface
Secretions are organic substances, odorless When secretions are metabolized by bacteria, odors are released (body odor)

17 Aging Decrease elastic fibers
Decrease fat in hypodermis (sagging and wrinkle) Decrease sebaceous gland production (dry skin) Decrease in melanocytes (white hair) Some may increase (age spots)

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