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The Body Systems Chapter 6.

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1 The Body Systems Chapter 6



4 What is Homeostasis? Means “same state”
Refers to the process of keeping the internal body environment in a steady state, when the external environment is changed.

5 Examples of Homeostasis
Acid base balance in our blood. Lungs remove CO2. When they cannot, blood becomes acidic (aka sickness) Overweight, cancer, seizures, etc. Alcohol Body Temperature Working out Out in the cold Glucose concentration – blood sugar Foods we eat Fluid volume Hydrating Kidneys removing extra water (aka Going to the bathroom)

6 Levels of Cellular Organization

7 Skeletal System Helps Protect the Body
Made up of two types of materials Calcium Salt Protein Fiber Blood vessels run through bones Help provide oxygen to bone cells Takes 20 years for the skeleton to harden fully Osteoporosis Calcium and physical activity help prevent Osteoporosis

8 Fun facts How many bones are in the human body?
What is the largest bone in your body? What is the smallest bone in your body? 206 / Infants 270 Femur (upper leg bone) Stirrup (inside your ear)


10 Types of JOINTS Hinge Joint Pivot Joint Ball and Socket Saddle
Elbow/Knee Pivot Joint Neck Ball and Socket Shoulder/Hip Saddle Thumb Condyloid Carpals Gliding Metacarpals

11 Muscular System Makes body movement possible
Three types of Muscles Voluntary/Skeletal – Under your control Involuntary/Smooth – Not under your control Walls of your stomach Intestine Cardiac – Only found in the heart Automatic muscle Pumps blood throughout body

12 Tendon Ligament Connects Muscle to Bone.
Create the motion of the bone. Examples Achilles Tendon Metacarpal Tendons Connect Bone to Bone. Help stabilize joints. They can be stretched to increase flexibility. Examples (all connect tibia to femur) ACL MCL LCL PCL


14 Fun facts Heart ( pumps 2,500 gallons of blood through veins each day)
Which is the hardest working muscle? Which is the largest muscle in the body? Which is the strongest muscle in the body? Heart ( pumps 2,500 gallons of blood through veins each day) Gluteus Maximus (Buttocks) Masseter ( Jaw muscle; provides force up to 200lbs)


16 The Nervous system Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System
Brain 3lbs Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System Nerves

17 The Brain Outer Layer (CORTEX) Cerebellum Hindbrain Frontal Lobe
Conscious thought takes place Cerebellum Maintains balance and muscle movement Hindbrain Controls breathing and basic body functions Frontal Lobe Intellectual thought Left side Converts thoughts into words

18 Does your brain control everything?
Almost, but there are a few exceptions REFLEXES Generates a response as soon as it reaches the spinal cord Example: When you touch something hot; you automatically (within seconds) move your hand.

19 Fun Facts Which side of your brain controls the right side of your body? Left side? Who has the heavier brain? Male? Female? Right Brain = Left Body Left Brain = Right Body Male (1375 grams)(3.02lbs) Female (1275 grams)(2.8lbs)




23 The Stroop Effect- Your Brain Can Get Confused!
TRY IT!- The famous "Stroop Effect" is named after J. Ridley Stroop who discovered this strange phenomenon in the 1930s. Here is your job: name the colors of the following words. Do NOT read the words...rather, say the color of the words. For example, for the word BLUE, you should say "RED". Say the colors as fast as you can. It is not as easy as you might think!

24 Digestive system Three main processes:
Digestion – The stomach breaks down food into a form the body can absorb. Absorption – In the small intestines, nutrients are absorbed into the blood, which carries them to the body’s cells. Elimination – Material the body cannot use passes through the large intestine and out of the body.

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