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Dr. Muhammad Qasim Hayat

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1 Dr. Muhammad Qasim Hayat
Course: Medicinal Plants Technique: Soxhlet Extraction and Rotary Evaporator Dr. Muhammad Qasim Hayat

2 Soxhlet Extractor A piece of laboratory apparatus invented in 1879 by Franz von Soxhlet. Originally designed for the extraction of a lipid from a solid material. However, a Soxhlet extractor is not limited to the extraction of lipids. Typically, a Soxhlet extraction is only required where the desired compound has a limited solubility in a solvent, and the impurity is insoluble in that solvent.

3 Parts of Soxhlet extractor
Stirrer bar   Still pot  Distillation path  Thimble Solid Siphon top Siphon exit Expansion adapter  Condenser  Cooling water in Cooling water out

4 THE SOXHLET EXTRACTOR Continuous extraction of a component from a solid mixture. Boiling solvent vapors rise up through the larger side-arm

5 Condensed drops of solvent fall into the porous cup, dissolving out the desired component from a solid mixture

6 When the smaller side-arm fills to overflowing, it initiates a siphoning action.

7 Residual solvent then drains out of the porous cup, as fresh solvent drops continue to fall into the porous cup.

8 . . . and the cycle repeats . . .

9 It should look something like THIS:

10 The solvent, containing the dissolved component, is siphoned into the boiler below


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