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Data Collection with Internet Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI)

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Presentation on theme: "Data Collection with Internet Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Collection with Internet Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI)
In the Name of God Data Collection with Internet Iran’s 2016 census by Maryam Pourreza Anvar Asiyeh Rashidinejad Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI) May 2018 United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8-11 May 2018

2 Learning and Preparation of Households
Before starting the census, households should be familiar with how to complete the questionnaire in the census system, based on the following methods: TV programs Radio programs SCI web site Households had to prepare location and identity information (such as Postal Code, National Number, Mobile Number) Households should be inform with the concepts and definitions used in the census

3 Stages of the Implementation of the Internet-based Census
in 2016, E_ Census In case of missing statistical code, it can be delivered again in determined time Convincing households to implement census through internet Arriving at census website, inserting national code, security code and mobile number Sending statistical code and thank you SMS to the mobile number Controlling logical relationships of the questions and warning when necessary Access to technical support through a call center Access to questionnaire for completing it Reception of statistical code When necessary, the questionnaire can be edited in determined deadline Delivery of statistical code to the enumerator when he/she refers to households

4 First Page of the Internet-Based Census Portal and Instructions for Filling out E- Questionnaire

5 E- Questionnaire وضعیت تحصیلی برای افراد 6 ساله و بیشتر
مشخصات عضو خانوار نام نام خانوادگی جنس شماره ملی سال تولد ماه تولد سن دین بستگی با سرپرست خانوار وضعیت تحصیلی برای افراد 6 ساله و بیشتر آیا فرد در حال حاضر تحصیل می‌کند وضع سواد دوره یا مدرک تحصیلی وضع مهاجرت آیا فرد از آبان ماه 1390 تاکنون شهر یا آبادی محل زندگی خود را تغییر داده است؟ مدت زندگی در همین شهر یا آبادی محل زندگی قبلی وضعیت تاهل برای افراد 10 ساله و بیشتر وضع تاهل آیا تاکنون فرزند زنده‌ای به دنیا آورده است؟ تعداد کل فرزندان تعداد فرزندان در حال حاضر زنده آیا در 365 روز گذشته فرزند زنده‌ای به دنیا آورده است؟ تعداد کل فرزندان به دنیا آورده در 365 روز گذشته تعداد فرزندان به دنیا آورده در 365 روز گذشته که در حال حاضر زنده‌اند ثبت اطلاعات * وضعیت فرزند آوری برای زنان 10 ساله و بیشتر (حداقل یک بار ازدواج کرده) کشور محل زندگي قبلی نوع دفترچه بیمه: بیمه سلامت (خدمات درمانی) تامین اجتماعی کمیته امداد سایر دفترچه بیمه وضع فعالیت استان محل زندگي قبلی شهرستان محل زندگي قبلی شهر محل زندگي قبلی وضع حضور در خانوار مرد/پسر زن/دختر بله نه وضعیت فعالیت برای افراد 10 ساله و بیشتر

6 Contents of the Questionnaire (Population Information)
Name and family name of the head of the household/-Name of institute Citizenship National ID Number Foreign Nationals’ ID code Relationship to the head of the household Date of birth - Type of calendar Month and year of birth -Estimated age Residence status Religion Health insurance card /Type Has he/she changed his/ her place of residence (city or village)since 22 October 2011? Duration of residence in this city or village

7 Contents of the Questionnaire (Population Information)
Place of previous residence –Previous province Previous sub-province –-Previous city Country of previous residence Is he/she currently attending school? Literacy status Educational attainment/degree Activity status Marital status Has she had any children born alive? Total number of children born alive - Total number of children born alive(still living) Has she had any live birth during the last 365 days? Total number of children born alive during the last 365 days Number of children born alive during the last 365 days (still living.)

8 Contents of the Questionnaire (Housing Information)
Type of household residence place Type ownership of the residential unit Floor area (Square meter) Type of residential unit skeleton Material used in construction of residential unit

9 Statistical Code (Tracking Code)
Completion o f the Census Your information was successfully recorded: Statistical code: پایان ثبت نام اطلاعات شما با موفقیت در سامانه ثبت گردید. سرپرست خانوار: آموزش آموزشی کد آماری: Registering town and village of residence Controlling the accuracy of data The minimum number of digits Coding Impossibility to produce or guess

10 General Processes of the Second Stage
Allocation of working unit Taking the working unit Uploading working unit to the tablet Servers Collecting data by enumerators Sending collected data by internet Ready to integrate with the data of the 1st stage 2nd stage Data Storage

11 Second Stage: Face to Face Interview
Enumerator's Face to Face Interview by Using Tablet from 22 October to 30 November 2016

12 Map Display and Correction Tools in
the SIJAD Map Module Statistical Blocks Edition Tools: Creating blocks Delete blocks Integrating blocks Disintegrating blocks Functional Tools: Search of blocks Selection of blocks Map guide

13 Telephone-based Census Telephone-based Census Portal
Absent Households Rewrite security code Enter User name * Password 640 Operators households persons

14 Number of Participated Households in Internet Census:
Phases of Census Phase 1: Internet Census Phase 2: Face to Face Interview Number of Participated Households in Internet Census: 11,700,000 Visiting 30,000,000 Places Taking internet code: 11,400,000 Codes Face to Face interview: 12,439,000 Households Sticking 553,000 “Absent Household Notice Card” or or Average Registration Time: Minutes Internet census: 270,000 Households Phone Census: 91000 Households or 192,000 Households Rest absent from 24 September to 21 October for all households and from 22 October to 20 November for absent households By enumerator: By household:

15 Participation Rate on Internet Census
I.R. Iran: 48.4% Target: 35%

16 Thank you for your attention

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