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Biomass Thermo-chemical Conversion

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1 Biomass Thermo-chemical Conversion
Manuel Garcia-Perez Assistant Professor ( PhD., Laval University, Quebec, Canada M.S., Laval University, Quebec, Canada 1998 M.E., University of Orient, Cuba 1995 B.E., University of Orient, Cuba Research and Teaching Biomass Thermo-chemical Conversion Characterization of Thermo-chemical Products. Bio-fuels and Bio-oil Refineries Environmental Impact of Thermo-chemical Processes The title page.

2 Heat Biomass Thermo-chemical Conversion Technologies of Interest
Drying, Thermal Treatment and Torrefaction ( oC) Pyrolysis ( oC) Biomass Heat Combustion and Incineration (over 1300 oC) Gasification ( oC)

3 New Thermo-chemical conversion concepts
Fundamentals of biomass thermo-chemical reactions and transport phenomena New Thermo-chemical conversion concepts Heat Reacted Fibers Diffusion of Products Cellulose Cellulose of low DP (Active cellulose) De-polymerization + H2O + CO2+CO O H HO + … H2O + CO2 + CO + chain linked by ether groups Polysaccharides (under 300 oC) (slow pyrolysis) Acid (phosphoric acids) + water catalyzed H2O CH Fast levoglucosenone Alkali cation inhibited mechanism Fragmentation CH3 MULTIPLE REACTIONS

4 Thermally modified wood Torrefaction Products Karl-Fischer Titrator
Characterization of Products from Thermo-chemical Conversion Technologies UV-VIS FTIR UV-Fluorescence TGA/DSC Charcoal Syngas GC Thermally modified wood Bio-oil Combustion gases GC- MS Torrefaction Products Ash Deposits Karl-Fischer Titrator AA Spectrometer Analytical Pyrolysis GC- FID

5 Crude Materials derived from Biomass
Development of new Bio-refinery Concepts to Produce Transportation Fuels from Crude Materials Derived from Biomass Methanol or Ethanol Vegetable Oil Transesterification Bio-diesel Glycerol H2 Vegetable Oil Hydro-treatment Green Diesel Green Jet Green Gasoline Green Olefins                                                            Studies to develop new Bio-refineries Transportation Bio-fuels and Green Chemicals Crude Materials derived from Biomass Reaction Engineering Separation Sciences Ethanol Bio-diesel Green Diesel Green Gasoline Green Polymers H2 Methanol Green olefins + Bio-oil H2 Green Gasoline Ethanol Separation, Fermentation and Hydro-treatment Monomers Chemicals Fischer-Tropsch Green Gasoline Green Jet Syngas Green Diesel Methanol

6 Bio-fuels in the Real World Fuel properties
Testing New Bio-Fuels Bio-fuels in the Real World Fuel properties Spray and Droplet Combustion Studies Viscosity Spray Optimization Calorific value Surface Tension d Droplet Combustion Studies Density Flash Point

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