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IENG 362 Markov Chains.

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Presentation on theme: "IENG 362 Markov Chains."— Presentation transcript:

1 IENG 362 Markov Chains

2 Motivation; Inventory
Consider (S,s) inventory system:

3 Motivation; Inventory
Consider (S,s) inventory system: order at s=0 Dt = demand in per. t Xt = inv. on hand at t

4 Motivation; Inventory
Consider (S,s) inventory system: order at s=0 Dt = demand in per. t Xt = inv. on hand at t Inventory = 3, Dt =2, Inventory End = 1

5 Motivation; Inventory
Consider (S,s) inventory system: order at s=0 Dt = demand in per. t Xt = inv. on hand at t Inventory = 2, Dt =3, Inventory End = 0

6 Motivation; Inventory
Consider (S,s) inventory system: order at s=0 Dt = demand in per. t Xt = inv. on hand at t Inventory = 0, Dt =2, Inventory End = 3 - 2

7 Motivation; Inventory
Consider (S,s) inventory system: order at s=0 Dt = demand in per. t Xt = inv. on hand at t max (Xt - Dt , 0) , Xt > 1 Xt+1 = max (3 - Dt , 0) , Xt = 0

8 Inventory Example Recall, Xt = 0, 1, 2, 3 Let
Pij = P{End Inv. = j | Start Inv. = i) = P{Xt+1= j | Xt =i)

9 Events and Probabilities
Current Next State Events Probability State S=3 Demand = P33 S=3 Demand = P32 S=2 Demand = P31 S=1 Demand = P30 S=0 Demand > P30 S=0 S=2 Demand = P22 S=2 Demand = P21 S=1 Demand = P20 S=0 Demand > P20 S=0

10 Inventory Example p p p p p p p p P = p p p p p p p p
P =transition matrix showing probabilities from state i to state j. p p p p 00 01 02 03 p p p p P = 10 11 12 13 p p p p 20 21 22 23 p p p p 30 31 32 33 Pij = P{Xt+1=j | Xt = i)

11 Computing Transition Prob.
X D t 10 1 = + { | }

12 Computing Transition Prob.
X D t 10 1 = + { | } Let’s suppose that demand follows a Poisson distribution with l =1.

13 Computing Transition Prob.
X D t 01 1 = + { | } Let’s suppose that demand follows a Poisson distribution with l =1. P D x e t { } ! . = - l 1 36788

14 Computing Transition Prob.
X D t 10 1 = + { | } P D x e t { } ! = - 1 p P D e x t+1 10 1 2 = + - å { } ! .

15 Computing Transition Prob.
X D t 10 1 = + { | } P D x e t { } ! = - 1 p 10 P D e t+1 1 0! 632 = - { } .

16 Computing Transition Prob.
X D t 20 1 2 = - + { | }

17 Computing Transition Prob.
e 1 0! 264 = - + p P X D t 20 2 { | } [ ! ] .

18 Computing Transition Prob.
Class Exercise: Compute the following transition probabilities a. p21 d. p00 b. p22 e. p01 c. p23

19 Inventory Example Transition Matrix P = 080 184 368 632 264 .

20 Example; Weather Let State 0 = dry 1 = rain
p00 = P{dry today | dry yesterday} = 0.7 p01 = P{rain today | dry yesterday} = 0.3 p10 = P{dry today | rain yesterday} = 0.5 p11 = P{rain today | rain yesterday} = 0.5

21 Example; Weather Let State 0 = dry 1 = rain P = 7 3 5 .

22 Example; Weather II Let State 0 = dry today and yesterday
1 = dry today and rain yesterday 2 = rain today and dry yesterday 3 = rain today and yesterday p00 = P{dry today & yesterday | dry yesterday & day before} = 0.9

23 Example; Weather Let State 0 = dry today and yesterday
1 = dry today and rain yesterday 2 = rain today and dry yesterday 3 = rain today and yesterday p01 = P{dry today & rain yesterday | dry yesterday & day before} = not possible

24 Example; Weather State 0 = dry today and yesterday 1 = dry today and rain yesterday 2 = rain today and dry yesterday 3 = rain today and yesterday . 9 . . 1 . . 6 . . 4 . P = . . 5 . . 5 . . 3 . . 7

25 Example; Gambling Gambler bets $1 with each play. He wins $1 with probability p and loses $1 with probability 1-p. Game ends when he wins $3 or goes broke.

26 Example; Gambling Gambler bets $1 with each play. He wins $1 with probability p and loses $1 with probability 1-p. Game ends when he wins $3 or goes broke. Let, Xt = money on hand = 0, 1, 2, 3

27 Example; Gambling Gambler bets $1 with each play. He wins $1 with probability p and loses $1 with probability 1-p. Game ends when he wins $3 or goes broke. Let, Xt = money on hand = 0, 1, 2, 3 P p = - 1

28 Classification of States
Communicate If Pij(n) > 0 for some n, i,j communicate For gambler’s ruin, P p = - 1

29 Classification of States
Communicate If Pij(n) > 0 for some n, i,j communicate Properties, 1. Any state communicates with itself. 2. If i communicates with j, j communicates with i 3. If i comm. with j, j comm. with k, then i comm. with k.

30 Classification of States
Irreducible all states communicate. Inventory example, P = 080 184 368 632 264 . 1 2 3

31 Classification of States
Irreducible all states communicate. Gambler’s ruin, P p = - 1 1 2 3

32 Classification of States
Absorbing If the one-step transition probability equals 1.0 pii = 1 P p = - 1 2 3

33 Period Gambler’s ruin It is possible to enter state 1 at times t = 2, 4, 6, . . . period = 2 P p = - 1 2 3

34 Period The period of state I is defined to be the integer t (t > 1) such that Pii(n) = 0 for all values of n other than t, 2t, 3t, . . . State with period = 1 is aperiodic

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