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Filling your events for dementia Introducing the new

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Presentation on theme: "Filling your events for dementia Introducing the new"— Presentation transcript:

1 Filling your events for dementia Introducing the new

2 What it’s for Since 2011: The only national signposting of arts workshops and events for people living with dementia. Enabling families to find artistic stimulation. Enabling arts organisations offering events for dementia to find participants. But it wasn’t so easy to use…

3 A new website – making it easy
EASY FOR FAMILIES Appropriate events mapped around your location EASY FOR ARTS ORGANISATIONS Free promotion, easy to use, easy to edit, easy to replicate events


5 Welcome to 2017!

6 2017 technology mapping

7 Across platforms

8 MAKING IT EASY Enabling families affected by dementia to find stimulation nearby

9 FAMILIES Can… Choose art form(s) or include all Specify dementia need
Early-stage, moderate or Arts 4 Wellbeing Families or clinicians can print out listings Then sort the listings either by distance or in date order

10 AND NOW DEMENTIA-FRIendly arts & heritage Venues!
Extra reward for those efforts to become dementia-friendly But we depend on the community to post (outside Dorset)

Post your events one at a time or with a spreadsheet You have an event the third Friday of every month? No problem! Select a period longer than your event will repeat (or 12 months if indefinite) You can edit the final date later

Include an image AND your logo. Price, Carer free / Carer discount options are flagged in the listings

13 Specify Art form(s) – you can select more than one.
Dementia-needs you are catering to Accessibility options Event contact details Review and submit

14 But First… Click Post an Event
On the Authorisation screen, Click Create an arts organisation profile (if you haven’t already) And then create it Include a logo Use a generic address if others from the same organisation may need to upload or edit events

15 GOT ANOTHER EVENT? We’ve made it really easy!
View a similar event you’ve already uploaded. Copy and edit. Also useful if you are offering similar events at multiple locations.

16 Dementia-friendly Arts & Heritage venues
It’s really simple. You don’t need an A4D profile. Just submit your venue. We accept listings if your staff have received dementia training and you are working towards a DF certificate. If you have a DF certificate from Alzheimer’s Society we will give you a

17 TO SUBMIT YOUR Dementia-friendly Arts OR Heritage venue
Click Dementia Friendly Venues Submit your venue

18 SUBMITTING YOUR Dementia-friendly Arts OR Heritage venue
Venue or site name, Description, Contact details including full address and Website Image Accessibility features: Wheelchair access, Disabled toilets, Hearing aid loop, Guide dog friendly DF features:- Talks, Free daytime recitals, Tours, Relaxed performances/screenings, Wellbeing walks, Workshops for dementia And submit for A4D review We will aim to approve within a business day

19 OTHER RESOURCES A4D Reports Useful links Training information News
Reawakening the Mind Music Reawakening Reawakening Integration: Arts & Heritage Useful links Training information News and much more

20 And this is why we do it! This is an important outlet for me because I am interacting! I realise I have been working 1000% for J since his diagnosis. But when I take him to bbodance, Danielle makes a big difference for me as well.  I’m doing something not only for his brain, but also for my own. Mum’s cognition showed a massive improvement. One would expect her to be tired, but she is active. It’s being part of something again. It’s exhilarating, the opportunity to do all this again, I thought it was lost. I feel like I can fly here!


22 Thank you! Nigel Franklin, A4D CEO
And thanks to Headley Trust, (a Sainsbury family trust) for their grant that made this possible.

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