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Consistency A training session from Hamilton Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Consistency A training session from Hamilton Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consistency A training session from Hamilton Trust

2 Consistency In models and images In layout and ‘patter’
Do we add a zero Miss? Click to show what the session is about, including the animations of the frog and spider.

3 Overview We can help to ensure maximum progress by making sure we have consistency across the school. Images and Models, e.g. number lines, number grids, place value grids, bar model, rather than each of us just using our favourites! Layout… e.g. expanded and then compact addition, where we place ‘carry’ digits, rather than us all using what we are used to ourselves! … and ‘Patter’, e.g. how we characterise different strategies, such as Frog and Spider, or how we describe what is happening in a method with phrases like ‘carry one’ or ‘move a ten to the ones column…’. Take a few minutes to introduce the session to help teachers tune in. Explain that ensuring consistency in models and images, layout and ‘patter’ can really help to maximise progress.

4 What are images and models?
An image is a way of visualising a mathematical concept or relationship A model is a way of expanding an image to… 2 53 Demonstrate a strategy 68 70 123 An image = a way of visualising something abstract. A model = a way of demonstrating a strategy OR a way of conceptualising a relationship or a concept A model is dynamic – something moves or changes. Represent a mathematical relationship or concept = 100 100 – 78 = 22 100 – 22 = 78 100 100 78 22

5 A developmental approach to images and models
We’re going to look at what we use and at how we can improve our developmental approach. First, let’s hear from Ruth. Video clip 1 Show Video clip 1 (1min 49sec) from one of Ruth’s talks to introduce the section on models and images. Click on the link to open the video in YouTube. After the video finishes, return to PowerPoint to continue the presentation. If YouTube is blocked in your school, download the video and play it using the media player on your PC.

6 End of Sample Download the full presentation and related materials at

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