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Inquiry into Meiosis Lab

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1 Inquiry into Meiosis Lab
Thursday, April 23rd: Inquiry into Meiosis Lab Examining Crossing-over using Sordaria Today, I will… Describe the process of meiosis. Explain how crossing over effects asci expression in Sordaria.

2 Sordaria fimicola, a fungus
Two strains of Sordaria (wild type/tan mutant) inoculated on a plate of agar. Where the mycelia of the two strains meet, fruiting bodies called perithecia develop. Meiosis occurs within the perithecia during the formation of asci, or a sac that contains haploid ascospores (gametes). perithicia Sordaria fimicola, a fungus

3 You will take a prepared slide of Sordaria and using
the 10x objective, observe a group of hybrid asci, containing both tan and black ascospores. Count at least 50 hybrid asci and enter your data in Table 3.3.

4 Feel free to reference PH Lab Bench as well.
There will be an essay that you will complete on FRIDAY over this lab, in lieu of a lab report. Review crossing over and be able to explain gene linkage. Gene map (1% = 1 Map unit)

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