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CPRSouth2017 Enumerating the obstacles of accelerating the use of digital classroom: Lessons from Bangladesh Md Abu Sayed, Moinul Zaber, Amin Ahsan Ali,

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Presentation on theme: "CPRSouth2017 Enumerating the obstacles of accelerating the use of digital classroom: Lessons from Bangladesh Md Abu Sayed, Moinul Zaber, Amin Ahsan Ali,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CPRSouth2017 Enumerating the obstacles of accelerating the use of digital classroom: Lessons from Bangladesh Md Abu Sayed, Moinul Zaber, Amin Ahsan Ali, Parvez Mosharaf, Data and Design Lab, University of Dhaka CPRsouth 2017, Yangon, Myanmar, 30thAugust-1st September 2017

2 Introduction Government of Bangladesh has taken initiatives to set up Digital Classrooms with Multimedia Projector, Screen, Sound system & Laptop Approx. 38,000 Digital Classrooms have been set up all over the country [ classroom/] Approx. 200,000 teachers got training on content development [ We want to know What is the condition of Digital inclusion in the Classrooms of Bangladesh ?

3 Educational scenario of Bangladesh No
Educational scenario of Bangladesh No. of Primary & Secondary schools are increasing over time Ref: Bangladesh Education Statistics-2016, BANBEIS

4 However in the Classrooms (Teacher/Student ratio is also increasing)
Student depends too much on the teacher One way lecture delivery from teacher to students Interactivity is missing like student feedback on a lecture delivered by the teacher The lesson plan prepared by the teacher is sometimes boring Students are inattentive or distracted by other issues in class Students feel shy to ask questions to the teacher [Yousuf M.I. et al/2006] Primary school Student-Teacher ratio Ref:

5 Total Enrolment in Primary, Secondary, College & University level (as of 2016)
0.82 Million Dropout 2.94 Million Higher Secondary 3.76 Million Dropout 6.42 Million Secondary School 10.18 Million Dropout 8.42 Million Primary 18.60 Million Ref: Bangladesh Education Statistics-2016, BANBEIS

6 How digital inclusion in the classroom may help (given huge gap in student –teacher ratio)
More interactive class helps student to understand lecture delivered easily Better student feedback to teacher Help teacher to pre-plan lectures Help teacher to tailor his lectures if required Motivate students to participate in class Reduce Dropout

7 Digital inclusion = Infrastructure + Content Government initiated Content Portal Shikkhokbatayan: Type of Education General Education Vocational Madrasa Education Upload contents Download and use Comment on contents As of Sept 31, 2017 Total no. of Contents available: 118,755 Registered Teachers: 245,778 Digital inclusion = infrastucture + content

8 Research question What is the rate of digital inclusion in schools in Bangladesh (in terms of usage of content)? What is reason behind slow/fast inclusion rate? We conduct a perception survey to answer these questions

9 Research Method Stratified Sampling Survey Qualitative Data Analysis
Preparation of Scalar Questionnaire with help of secondary sources Stratified Sampling Survey Qualitative Data Analysis

10 Survey Questionnaire Information regarding the educator
Gender, district, education, school, subject taught, avg. number of students taught in classes, teaching experiences etc Familiarity with ICT and Digital Content Training on ICT or Content development, ICT tools for education, Daily computer/ ICT use, Use digital content from portal, Develop or modify content for class etc. Use of Digital Content in the class Use of content from portals like for class lecture Time spend to develop or modify content ICT infrastructure at School How many computers are available at school Access to computer at school for teachers

11 Survey Questionnaire Cont.
Student feedback How they got student feedback in class If teachers are interested to use ICT tools to get student feedback Technical support at school If technical support is available at school Motivation from school to use digital content If school authority encourage teachers to use digital content If teachers are interested to use digital content in class Content development support from experts If teachers appreciate customized content development support from expert If they want the experts to visit their school for customization

12 Stratified Sampling Total No. of Educational Institutions (excluding tertiary and special ) in Bangladesh is around 1,10,000 (as of 2017) Government has been setup 38,000 digital classrooms all over the country Thus 34.5% schools have digital classrooms We went to 28 schools in 4 districts among which 10 have digital classrooms 35.7% of our sample are equipped with digital classroom setup

13 Sample Selection 13 From 1st May, 2017 to 15th July, 2017 Count Area Sent to participate in survey 500 All over the country replied by teachers to participate in our survey 100 Various regions Teachers participated in Survey 73 From 4 districts Total Schools with digital classroom setup in those districts 10 out of 28 schools Total Schools without digital classroom setup 18 out of 28 schools Average no. of teacher per school 3 teachers More than one computer is available in 92.8% schools in our sample but teachers are not using it for digital content development.

14 Districts are demographically comparable
All Level School Education (Secondary & Higher Secondary) District TSR Dropout (%) School Population Population per Institution Enrolment per Thousand Population Dinajpur 29 21.1 693 4720 67 Khulna 32 19.6 428 5855 64 Mymensing 44 23.8 647 8921 56 Sylhet 48 23.3 387 9638 58 Ref: Bangladesh Education Statistics-2015, BANBEIS

15 Findings 1. Teachers albeit, having experiences in personal use of computing devices, are not motivated at using ICT tools regularly for in- class lecture delivery.

16 Appox.58% Teachers have 10+ years Teaching Experience
No. of Teachers surveyed

17 Approx. 70% Teachers use ICT tools at Home or School more than 1 hour a day
No. of Teachers surveyed

18 Approx. 49% Teachers have received minimum training on Content or ICT
No. of Teachers surveyed

19 Only approx.18% teachers use digital content regularly (downloaded from in class or self learning) No. of Teachers surveyed

20 2. Teachers are eager to use contents from third-parties such as However, Busy schedule (lack of expertise ?) deter educators from making digital contents by themselves.

21 Appox. 68% Teachers are busy more than 3 hours (after school) a day with school related works
No. of Teachers surveyed

22 Appox. 53% teachers develop/modify lecture contents (non digital) for classes when required. Some spend fixed time everyday No. of Teachers surveyed

23 More than 93% teachers would appreciate usable digital content
No. of Teachers surveyed

24 3. Teachers would appreciate co- designing contents with in-school experts

25 Approx. 92% teachers would like to co-design at their school premises with expert help
No. of Teachers surveyed

26 Summary and Policy Proposal
92.8% schools in our sample have more than one computers available for use, but teachers seldom use them for digital content development Teachers are eager to use digital contents but they do not have enough expertise or time Content portals such as are there, but teachers do not have that much time or expertise to download, customize and use content in class Proposals ? Initiate content co-designing with experts in school premises A fix number of teachers from each school may be given periodical training with proper skills for content development who can then become in-school experts (picked up from a comment)

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