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A House Divided Ch. 15.

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1 A House Divided Ch. 15

2 Starter: Wed. 4/30/14 In your opinion, of all the things that led to the Civil War, which one do you think was the biggest? And Why?

3 Abolitionist Movement
Leaders William Fredrick Douglass Lloyd Garrison Angelina and Sarah Grimke Sojourner Truth Harriet Tubman and others Methods Lectures, speeches Pamphlets Newspapers (Liberator, North Star), articles Antislavery societies Nonfiction books (Uncle Toms Cabin), plays. Poetry, novels Petition congress Underground Railroad

4 Underground Railroad The organization was not an actual railroad but was a network of people who arranged transportation and hiding places for fugitives, or escaped slaves.

5 Reasons for Opposing the End of Slavery
Racist Attitudes Fear of losing jobs Vital to Economy and culture

6 Effects of Opposition to the Movement
Dangerous to voice opinions Made Emancipation more unlikely

7 Compromise of 1850 Problem Solution CA free state
California wanted to enter the Union as a free state. This would once again disrupt the balance Solution CA free state Fugitive Slave Act strengthen and enforced UT and NM territory decided slave question

8 Fugitive Slave Act What:
Made it a crime to help runaway slaves and allowed officials to arrest those slaves in free areas. Effect: More frustration from the North, making more abolitionists

9 Kansas-Nebraska Act When Passed: 1854 What it did: Divided rest of LA Purchase into Kansas and Nebraska territories How it dealt with slavery: Removed MO compromise limit on slavery north of 36˚30’ latitude; residents vote whether to allow slavery

10 KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT Effect: Both antislavery and pro-slavery groups send supporters to Kansas to vote. -With help from Missouri voters, pro-slavery forces control legislature. Antislavery forces form own legislature in response. TWO GOVERNMENTS ARE FORMED FOR ONE STATE! A MINI CIVIL WAR! -Pro-Slavery forces try to arrest antislavery government, leading to the Sack of Lawrence and one death Abolitionist John Brown leads Pottawatomie Massacre, in which five pro-slavery men are killed.

11 Dred Scott Case Issue Ruling Are slaves citizens? No they are property
Slave on Free Soil: Are they free? No because he was in Missouri when he sued. Constitution Prohibits slavery in LA Purchase Declared Missouri compromise unconstitutional and against fifth amendment

12 Consequences of the Dred Scott Case.
The court essentially said that the government did not have the right to make rules on slavery. This angered the North.

13 Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Opposed to the SPREAD of Slavery (never spoke of abolition or emancipation until he was president) Felt all are Entitled to Rights in Declaration of Independence Opposed Lincolns view Said making states free states would lead to war. Believed citizens should make the decision, let them vote

14 Douglas Wins!!!!! Keeps the lid on a pot of boiling water, leaves the mess for Lincoln to deal with.

15 John Brown’s Raid Began when he and his men (sons) took over and raided the arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in hopes of starting a slave rebellion. Expected slaves to join the fight, no one did. Was tried and convicted of treason, and shot to death. Effect: South is angered and terrified.

16 Politicians: Person Significance John C Breckinridge John Bell
Southern Democratic Party Election of 1860 John Bell Constitutional Union Abraham Lincoln Republican Jefferson Davis President of Confederate States of America John C Crittenden Tried the last peaceful settlement between North and South

17 Secession Fear from John Brown’s Raid Abolitionist Movement
Abraham Lincoln’s Election

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