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Space Quiz How much do you know?.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Quiz How much do you know?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Quiz How much do you know?

2 Question 1 Put the following in order of size: Sun, planet, Universe, Solar System, galaxy Planet, Sun, Solar System, galaxy, Universe

3 Question 2 Name our nearest star The Sun

4 Question 3 What is the largest planet in our Solar System? Jupiter

5 Question 4 Which is the smallest planet in our Solar System? Mercury

6 Question 5 What is the name of our galaxy? The Milky Way

7 Question 6 What keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun?
The force of gravity

8 Question 7 What is a comet made of? Ice and rock
Sometimes called a “dirty snowball”

9 Question 8 How is a moon different to a planet? A planet orbits a star
A moon orbits a planet

10 Question 9 What is the hottest planet in the solar system and why?
Venus. It is second closest to the Sun and possesses an atmosphere of mainly carbon dioxide


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