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11/15/2018 Animals What do we know?.

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1 11/15/2018 Animals What do we know?

2 Kingdom Animalia Heterotrophic No cell walls Many types move ingestion
11/15/2018 Kingdom Animalia Heterotrophic ingestion No cell walls Various means of support Many types move Nerves & muscles

3 Multicellular Specialized cells
11/15/2018 Multicellular Specialized cells Differentiated to do specific jobs Ex. Red blood cell, muscle cell, nerve cell Organized into tissues, organs, & systems Not in all animals, but most Formed by differentiation Start as totipotent stem cells Change into different cell types

4 Early Development Fertilization Cleavage Blastula
11/15/2018 Early Development Fertilization Union of sperm & ovum Ovum – large quantity of cytoplasm & yolk Cleavage Cell division – without increasing mass Cell size gets smaller Blastula Hollow ball of cells

5 Early development Gastrulation Gastrula
11/15/2018 Early development Gastrulation Changes single layer blastula into multilayered gastrula Gastrula Germ layers Ectoderm Skin, nails, nervous system Endoderm Digestive tract, lungs, gills Mesoderm All others

6 From:
11/15/2018 From:

7 From Zygote to Gastrula
11/15/2018 From Zygote to Gastrula What happens to the mass of a zygote as it undergoes cell division? Is that mitosis of meiosis? Describe a blastula. What are the three germ layers? Where does each come from in the gastrula?

8 Symmetry Pattern of structure Asymmetrical – no pattern
11/15/2018 Symmetry Pattern of structure Asymmetrical – no pattern Radial symmetry – branches in all directions Bilateral symmetry – two equal halves

9 11/15/2018 What type of symmetry?

10 Directional Terminology
11/15/2018 Directional Terminology Dorsal/ventral Anterior/posterior Right/left

11 Cephalization Brain and sensory organs in anterior end of organism
11/15/2018 Cephalization Brain and sensory organs in anterior end of organism Why?

12 Taxonomy Invertebrates Phylum chordata No backbone 10 phyla Notochord
11/15/2018 Taxonomy Invertebrates No backbone No other characteristics 10 phyla Phylum chordata Notochord Embryonic in most organisms Can become the spinal cord

13 Invertebrates Phylum porifera (sponges) Sessile Filter feeders
11/15/2018 Invertebrates Phylum porifera (sponges) Sessile Filter feeders Sexual & asexual reproduction No true tissues or organs

14 Phylum cnidaria (nie-DER-ee-uh)
11/15/2018 Phylum cnidaria (nie-DER-ee-uh) General shape Polyp – vase-shaped Medusa – bell-shaped Cnidocytes Cells used for stinging Nematocyts – organelle like a harpoon Some have poison associated Usually found on tentacles Nerve net Web of interconnected nerve cells Respond to stimuli No brain

15 Cnidaria Examples 11/15/2018 Hydra Jelly fish Coral Sea anemone

16 Phylum platyhelminthes (plat-ee-hel-MINTH-eez)
11/15/2018 Phylum platyhelminthes (plat-ee-hel-MINTH-eez) Flat worms Bilateral symmetry Many are parasitic Liver flukes Schistoma – Schistosomiasis – (fig 36-4) p. 712 Tapeworms

17 11/15/2018

18 Phylum Nematoda Roundworms most parasitic
11/15/2018 Phylum Nematoda Roundworms most parasitic Two openings to digestive tract mouth/anus Separate male and female – mostly

19 11/15/2018 Elephantiasis Roundworm that affects the lymph flow

20 Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms Bilateral symmetry Earthworm, leeches
11/15/2018 Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms Earthworm, leeches Bilateral symmetry

21 Phylum Arthropoda Jointed legs Bilateral symmetry Chitin exoskeleton
11/15/2018 Phylum Arthropoda Jointed legs Bilateral symmetry Chitin exoskeleton Types Crustaceans crayfish, lobster Arachnids spiders, ticks, scorpions

22 Phylum Arthropoda Insects Most diverse
11/15/2018 Phylum Arthropoda Insects Most diverse Important for flower pollination Metamorphosis Complete – eggs, larva, pupa, adult Butterfly Incomplete – eggs, nymph, adult grasshopper

23 Molting vs. metamorphosis
11/15/2018 Molting vs. metamorphosis Molting Shedding exoskeleton Uses a hormone – molting hormone Metamorphosis Caused by a lack of juvenile hormone

24 Phylum Mollusca Some have outer shells Diverse group 112,000 species
11/15/2018 Phylum Mollusca Some have outer shells Diverse group 112,000 species Clams, oysters Snails, slugs Octopus, squid

25 Phylum Echinodermata (ee-kie-noh-dur-mahtah)
11/15/2018 Phylum Echinodermata (ee-kie-noh-dur-mahtah) Live in water Radial symmetry No cephalization Sea stars Sand dollars Sea urchins

26 Vertebrates Classes of vertebrates Agnatha Osteichthyes Chondrichthyes
11/15/2018 Vertebrates Classes of vertebrates Agnatha Osteichthyes Chondrichthyes Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia

27 Agnatha Jawless fishes Lamprey
11/15/2018 Agnatha Jawless fishes Lamprey Entered Great Lakes from Atlantic Ocean through canals Couldn’t initially get past natural barriers Ex. Niagara Falls

28 Chondrichthyes Characteristics Cartilage skeleton No swim bladder
11/15/2018 Chondrichthyes Characteristics Cartilage skeleton No swim bladder Cannot float in water

29 Osteichthyes Characteristics Skeleton made of bone Swim bladder
11/15/2018 Osteichthyes Characteristics Skeleton made of bone Swim bladder

30 Amphibia Characteristics
11/15/2018 Amphibia Characteristics Ectothermic Smooth skin must stay moist (respiration) 3 chambered heart Lay eggs in water (no shell) Very important part of ecosystems as primary/secondary consumer

31 Reptilia Characteristics Ectothermic Rough scaly skin
11/15/2018 Reptilia Characteristics Ectothermic Rough scaly skin 4 chambered heart Lay eggs with amnion (yolk) Doesn’t need to be in water (water tight) Turtles, crocs, alligators, lizards, snakes

32 Aves Characteristics Feathers Bill Endothermic Lay eggs (amnion)
11/15/2018 Aves Characteristics Feathers Bill Endothermic Lay eggs (amnion)

33 Mammalia Hair/fur Produce milk for young Endothermic
11/15/2018 Mammalia Hair/fur Produce milk for young Endothermic Placental, marsupial (pouch), egg

34 11/15/2018

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