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About This Lesson Developing Great Content Preparing Great Design

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Presentation on theme: "About This Lesson Developing Great Content Preparing Great Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 About This Lesson Developing Great Content Preparing Great Design

2 Most Presenters and Presentations put you to…


4 Problems with Presentations
No Clear Point No Audience Benefit No Clear Flow Too Detailed Too Long

5 Are you ready do go beyond the basics?
Are you ready to learn how to convert a boring presentation into active audience engagement? Are you ready to learn how to fine tune your delivery with clear stories, compelling visuals and confidence?

6 We are Visual Creatures



9 Researchers have discovered that ideas are much more likely to be remembered if they are presented as pictures instead of words or pictures paired with words. BIRD

10 Picture Superiority Effect (PSE)
Psychologists call it: Picture Superiority Effect (PSE) Picture Superiority Effect (PSE) Psychologists call it: Picture Superiority Effect (PSE)

11 If information is presented orally, people remember about 10% of the content 72 hours later. That figure goes up to 65% if you add picture. 65% BIRD 10%

12 According to John Medina, your brain interprets every letter as a picture so wordy slides literally choke your brain. B According to John Medina, your brain interprets every letter as a picture so wordy slides literally choke your brain.

13 Here is an example of how a mediocre presenter would launch the MacBook Air. They would try to squeeze every piece of information onto one slide – along with different font styles, colors, etc.

14 Five Elements Of Great Presentation(5P’s)
Five elements make up a great presentation for you and your audience: Planning Preparation Pattern Presentation Performance Evaluation PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

15 Step One: Planning



18 Truly great presenters visualize, plan and create ideas on paper (or whiteboards) well before they open the presentation software

Design experts recommend that presenters spend the majority of their time thinking, sketching and scripting. But only one third of that time is spent building slides. Another third is rehearsing, but the first third is spent collecting ideas, organizing ideas, and sketching the story. THINKING SKETCHING BUILDING SLIDES SCRIPTING REHEARSING 90 HOURS 30 SLIDES Design experts recommend that presenters spend the majority of their time thinking, sketching and scripting. Nancy Duarte recommends that a presenter spend 90 hours creating an hour long presentation with 30 slides. But only one third of that time is spent building slides. Another third is rehearsing, but the first third is spent collecting ideas, organizing ideas, and sketching the story.


21 Analyzing Your Audience
What are their needs? What is their knowledge level? What is their attitude – how do they feel about the topic? Demographic Information – this may include the age, gender, culture, and language of the audience members. PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS


23 Information and time management
Before you start your research to gather relevant information, there are three questions that should be considered: What do I want my audience to gain? What might they already know about my topic? What is the objective of the presentation? PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

24 Converting Your Information Into An Outline with time limitations 3-D Outline


26 Step Two: preparation Prepare the place Use visual aids Practice…

27 First Rule: Prepare the place

28 Second Rule: Use Visual aids
PowerPoint Overhead Projector White board


30 Presentation Design Key Rules When Creating Bulleted Text:
Use one concept per slide Use key words and phrases Make your bullet points consistent in structure PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

31 Three Keys of Great Design
Layout Consistency Color = Great Slide Presentation Design PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

32 Layout Consider your layout to be like the skeleton of your presentation .. Just as our skeleton support our bodies, your layout should support your message and provide structure. PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

33 Consistency You must be consistent in the following design elements:
Your placement of text and images Your fonts style and sizes Your background The style and treatment of your imagery Your charts PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

34 Color 3. Color Use high contrast to increase legibility
Colors should not clash – they should have a high degree of harmony Avoid clutter by using no more than four colors in your presentation PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

35 Consistent Fonts There are two main classifications of fonts Serif and Sans Serif Serif fonts have small flourishes extending from the main strokes of each letter: Times New Roman Book Antiqua Bookman Olds Style PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

36 More On Fonts Sans Serif fonts are easier to read both on screen and in your presentations: Arial Verdana Arial Black PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

37 Comic Sans Bradley Hand Freestyle Script Warning On Fonts
Some people think that it is cute to use every font in the pack on their PC: Wrong !!!! Comic Sans Bradley Hand Freestyle Script PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

38 Tips For Planning Great Slides
Use slides sparingly. Avoid the overuse of slides … Make slides pictorial .. Graphs, flowcharts, etc all give the viewer an better insight ( A picture is worth a 1000 words) Minimum font size is 20 point PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

39 Design Guidelines Be careful about the use of massive numbers in your slides; PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS





44 Other Good Examples To Consider



47 Third Rule: Practice.. Practice… and Practice



50 Don’t be afraid! Fight fear with The audience wants:
To hear your story For you to succeed For you to use their time well Fight fear with You mental attitude Practicing well The simple techniques we’ll show you

51 Step Three: Pattern Developing Great Content

52 • Focus on a linear building of information: Introduction • Point A
• Avoid complex, linking arguments. • Focus on a linear building of information: Introduction • Point A • Point B • Point C Summary / Conclusion

53 Outline Format A golden rule of presentations is to:
The format is in three parts: The Introduction The Body The Conclusion A golden rule of presentations is to: tell the audience what you are going to tell them (Introduction) then tell them (Body of Presentation) finally tell them what you have told them (Conclusion) PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

54 Outlines : Introduction
The introduction is your opportunity to introduce yourself and your presentation and also to: gain the attention of the audience, interest the audience and establish a rapport with them

55 Outlines Introduction:
Should include an agenda and clarify the goals and objectives of your presentation. Can include an overview of a situation, a statement of the current situation of the organization, or a recap of history. Can use the strategies that help an introduction get attention: a quote, a question, humor, a creative image, or a sharing of emotions PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

56 Outline format :body present your findings
make it clear to the audience the point of transition from introduction to body. will be easiest to write first. PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

57 Outline Format: conclusion
Summarize the main points of your presentation Provide closure, and leave an impression Can consist of recommendations, future directions, next steps to take, and so forth PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

58 Step 4: Presentation Conducting Great Delivery

59 Delivering Your Presentation
Voice Language Usage Movement Body Language = Great Delivery PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

60 Managing Your Voice Try to sound natural, so your rhythm and tone is appropriate to the message you are delivering PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

61 Managing Your Voice Volume
Speak loudly enough to reach all the members audience without overpowering those closest to you. Avoid speaking in monotone. Put some feeling into your voice and make it livelier by changes in your intonation. Practice, and you can figure out what sounds natural and appropriate for the points you are making. PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

62 Language Usage Speak confidently Show interest Speak with feeling
Use short sentences Use “Phrase and Pause” technique Short simple words Speak slowly and clearly PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

63 Movement Work the room and work the audience
Move with purpose – not because you are nervous Be natural Stand still to make an important point PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

64 How to stand? Face the audience Move with authority Kind of Movements

65 Body Language Stand straight – radiate energy Be relaxed – be casual
Use your hands, arms and gestures But carefully !! Make eye contact with your audience Three to Five seconds per person PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

66 More On Body Language Watch your hands Don’t handcuff yourself
Don’t cross your arms Don’t wring your hands Watch the way you stand PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

67 In Advance Of Your Presentation
Practice – a lot. Don’t just think your presentation through; act it out, in front of your friends, or family. Time each section of your presentation and develop a schedule PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

68 Memorize the first two minutes of your presentation, so you breeze on through on time when the butterflies are most active. PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

69 In The Hours Before Your Presentation
Think Positive Thoughts Visualize yourself feeling at ease with your audience Use “affirmation” …. I can do this, I am prepared, It will go well. PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

70 Make sure all of your equipment is working properly
Go to the washroom before you go on stage .. Don’t laugh !! Lick your lips just before you begin to speak PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

71 Key Point People in the audience are human also.
They want to hear what you have to say AND They want you to succeed ! PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

72 When You Enter The Room Focus on making your movements fluid and confident Not too fast and not too slow Find a few friendly faces in the room SMILE Show that you want to be there Be yourself PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS


74 Handling Tough Situations
It doesn’t always work out perfectly Be Prepared PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

75 Some Examples Distractions in the Audience People with Blackberries
People talking to their neighbors People who are rude People who know it all Equipment failure Moderator says “hurry up” PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

76 Planning for the Questions
Anticipate the questions ahead of time Listen carefully to the questioner Repeat or rephrase the question Answer clearly and concisely Go to the next question PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

77 More On Questions Sometimes people like to ask 3,268 questions
Others in the room could care less What do you do? Tell them to come up and talk to you later PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

78 More On Questions What happens if someone ask you a question and you don’t have a clue what the answer is? PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

79 Answer Do not stand there with a dumb look on your face …
Instead – tell them to come up and talk to you after the presentation. You have 10 minutes to think up something smart or find a new topic. PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

80 Dealing With Disasters

81 Examples Equipment Failure Dead PowerPoint Run out of time
You forget where you are in the presentation PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS

82 Final Thoughts You will be great Practice … Practice … Practice
People really want to hear what you have to say PRESENTATION SKILLS FOR MANAGERS


84 Presentation skills

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