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Muscle Movement.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscle Movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscle Movement

2 Origin – where muscle is attached to immovable or less movable bone Insertion – where muscle is attached to the bone that is being moved

3 Types of movement 1. Flexion – decreases angle of a joint (brings bones closer together) 2. Extension – increases angle of a joint (increases distance between bones)

4 Abduction – moving a limb away from the midline of the body
Adduction – moving a limb towards the midline of the body

5 5. Rotation – movement of a bone around an axis

6 6. Circumduction – combination of flexion, extension, adduction and abduction seen in ball-and socket joints

7 Muscle Interactions 1. Prime mover – muscle mainly responsible for a movement 2. Antagonists – oppose or reverse a movement (do the opposite of the prime mover)

8 3. Synergists – help prime movers by either producing the same movement or reducing undesirable movements

9 4. Fixators – specialized synergists that stabilize the origin of the prime mover

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