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Welcome to Back to School Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night!
Mrs. Klick- Room 201 LA and Science

2 About Mrs. Klick 9th year teaching overall, 6th year here at CDMS Graduated in 2006 from Eastern University with degrees in Elementary and Special Education Taught Learning Support at Mt. View and Middle Paxton before coming here Masters from Wilkes University in Jan 2011

3 Teaching philosophy “ I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou

4 2. Come to class on time and prepared 3. Give your best everyday
Expectations 1. Respect SOAP 2. Come to class on time and prepared 3. Give your best everyday

5 Warning cards 3 times being unprepared for class Talking during instruction Goofing off during lab Not following directions after a reminder Chewing gum General disregard of classroom expectations

6 Misconduct 3 times not completing/turning in homework Consistent noncompliance with classroom procedures Higher level infractions: disrespect to a teacher, cheating, harm to another student, disrespect to a substitute See Code of Conduct online for more specifics

7 The school does many rewards throughout the year as well.
Positive We have a fantastic group of students here at CDMS and enjoy rewarding them! 6th grade gives out “Rams Rule” coupons students can use for positive rewards as well as buying “supplies”. The school does many rewards throughout the year as well.

8 Homework Homework is posted daily on the homework calendar through team (Blue Dolphin) website. Students are told to ALWAYS write down homework in their planner in case something isn’t able to be updated on the calendar.

9 1 day late is 10% off 2 days late is 20% off 3 days late is 30%
Late work 1 day late is 10% off 2 days late is 20% off 3 days late is 30% After 3 days it is a zero Example- If a student earns an 80% on the assignment and it is one day late, the final grade will be a 70%, with two days late 60%, and with three days late 50%.

10 Absent From Guidance office: Protocol for collecting work while students are sick… At the middle school we do not collect homework for students unless they have been absent for 3 or more days. Students are encouraged to check the team page on CD Middle's web site to see what assignments they missed. If your child needs anything from their locker you may come in to the building any day from 2:45 - 3:00 and go to their locker. I can provide the locker number and combination for you. Students are given one day for every day missed to make up assignments.

11 Absent continued We went over this with the students, but they are responsible to come get missed work from the teachers and also to turn it in by the due date (that includes the extended days for being absent).

12 Grading in science 50% - Assessments (Tests and Large Projects) 25%- Quizzes (Smaller projects) 15%- Classwork 5% - Lab 5% - Homework – Completion for worksheets, if a project is done mostly at home, it is still a project

13 6th grade curriculum 1. Nature and Inquiry of Science 2. Matter and it’s Interactions 3. Forces of Motion 4. From Cells to Organisms 5. Earth’s Structure and Place in the Universe Daily Materials- Current Packet, Composition Book, Pencil

14 Nature and inquiry of science
Key learning: Understand and apply the scientific method to real life problems. Nature of Science Scientific Method Gathering Data Design Process Foss kit used: Models and Designs Major Assessment: Science Fair, Nature and Inquiry of Science test

15 Matter and it’s interactions
Key learning: understand the atom is the basic building block of all matter, distinguish properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Building blocks of matter Characteristics of matter Properties of matter Changes in matter

16 Forces of motion Key Learning: understand the forces that cause changes in motion. Foss Kits used: Levers and Pulleys Major assessments: Simple Machines and Models and Designs Test, Amusement Park Project, Catapult Project, Newton’s Laws/Forces of Motion Unit Test

17 Cells to organisms Key Learning: understand that all organisms are made up of cells, classify organisms, and distinguish the difference between classes of organisms. Foss Kit used: Diversity of Life Major Assessments: Diversity of Life Test Part 1, Building a Cell Project, Kingdoms of Life Project, Diversity of Life Test Part 2

18 Earth’s structure and place in the universe
Key Learning: understand the structure, composition, and features of objects that orbit the sun and understand the natural processes and different land uses affect the layers of the atmosphere and the earth. Planetary objects Earth and atmosphere Natural processes Landforms, soil, and land use Land use effects on landforms

19 Access to grades Go to and click on the quick link for home access center and it walks you through it. In order to do this you must have given an address on the contact sheet at the beginning of the year. If you did not give an or have problems gaining access you can call the office.

20 communication I feel it is a team effort to help your child be successful this school year. Feel free to contact me by phone extension or by

21 Welcome to LA! Find your child’s seat and read the letter they wrote to you. Please then use the paper provided to write them a letter  This daily routine of lights out, quiet music, and journal prompting is how they get to start LA everyday. I thought it’d be nice if I had you all do the same! (they thought so too)

22 Reading, English, Writing Use anthology, novels, leveled readers
Language arts Periods 7 and 8 Reading, English, Writing Use anthology, novels, leveled readers

23 English worksheets are always completion
homework Most is on completion English worksheets are always completion If it is Reading or Writing that was started in class but some need to finish for homework, it counts as classwork, not homework.

24 Grading 50 % - Assessments: Tests, projects, writing pieces, novel tests 25% - Quizzes: Quizzes based on Leveled Readers, themed paperback books and novels fall into this category. Quizzes on vocabulary and comprehension fall into this category. Practice book pages and English pages that are turned in and graded for correctness are to be considered quizzes 15% Classwork 10% Homework

25 reading 1. Courage- Summarizing, Theme, Evaluate, Main Idea, Evolution of Characters 2. What Really Happened? Analyze, Infer, Generalizations, Sequence, Fact and Opinion 3. Oceans and Space- Infer, Text Evidence, Author’s Claims, Varying types of text 4. Growing Up- Generalization, Author’s Purpose, Text Structure, Compare and Contrast genres 5. Discovering Ancient Cultures- Main Idea, Summarizing, Point of View 6. Doers and Dreamers- Propaganda and Different types of text We also do poetry and plays.

26 1. Sentences- Types, Structure, Subject, Predicate 2. Verbs 3. Nouns
English 1. Sentences- Types, Structure, Subject, Predicate 2. Verbs 3. Nouns 4. Adjectives 5. Prepositions 6. Pronouns

27 writing Good writers use strategies for the writing process, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary to help them understand and write: Narrative. Research Paper Persuasive Informative

28 4th period Math Help available every day Time to go see teachers for absent work Can get help from teachers Go to library or computer lab Are allowed to work on homework/projects/study for the whole period

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