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Fast Food Comparative Study

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2 Fast Food Comparative Study
Pick two ‘fast food’ chains (Artists) to analyze and compare, objects or artifacts (Products: Big Macs, Whoppers, DoubleDown) Independent critical and contextual investigation should explore products, slogans, objects, and artifacts from differing cultural contexts. (Opposite sides of the US? Opposite sides of the world?) SL and HL must compare at least 3 pieces, two of which should be by different Chains (Artists). Experience at least one of the products in ‘real time.’ (Document the experience)

3 Task Details Three Products (Artworks), objects or artifacts, at least two of which should be from different chains (artists). For each of the selected pieces, students should: Carry out research from a range of different sources Analyze the cultural contexts in which the selected products were created. Identify the formal qualities of the selected products (pieces) Interpret the function and purpose of the selected products (pieces) Evaluate the material, conceptual and cultural significance of the selected products (pieces).

4 Task Details Compare selected works
identify links in cultural context, formal qualities, function, purpose, material, conceptual and cultural significance Present a list of sources used during the study (Bibliography) Should think of ‘screens’: Powerpoint or Prezi would be best ****Students at HL should also reflect on the investigation outcomes and the extent to which their own art-making practices and pieces have subsequently been influenced by artworks, objects or artifacts examined in the comparative study. ****

5 Format Introduction The artworks, objects or artifacts and their contexts: analysis, identification of formal qualities, interpretation of the function and purpose of the selected pieces, evaluation of material: Conceptual and cultural signicance of the pieces and cultural contexts in which they were created. Making Connections: Students present their comparisons of he different pieces, clearly identifying links between them Connection to own art-making practice (HL Only) Sources: Include a list of sources used during the study.

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