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Presented by: Richard Hathcoat & Alexander Millan

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1 Presented by: Richard Hathcoat & Alexander Millan
2015 Electrical Training Presented by: Richard Hathcoat & Alexander Millan

2 Agenda Electricity 101: Current vs. Voltage Understanding Cable Sizes
FIRST Rules for wiring Wiring best practices Wiring termination hands-on practice Q & A

3 Electricity 101: Current vs. Voltage
Comparisons Both related to electricity Voltage, Current, and Resistance – ohms law V=I/R Differences Voltage hurts, but current kills! In circuits Series – currents are same, voltage is distributed Parallel – current is distributed, voltages are same

4 Electricity 101: Current vs. Voltage (cont’d)
Relationship Current is the effect as Voltage is the cause No Current w/o Voltage Voltage can exist w/o Current

5 Electricity 101: Current vs. Voltage (cont’d)
What is Current? Flow of electric charge across an element Symbol = I Scenario Connect a tube to a tank. Now place an obstruction (Resistance) in middle of tube. If the tube is small, then the water flow would be less (less current flow). If the tube is large, then the water flow would be greater (more current flow).

6 Electricity 101: Current vs. Voltage (cont’d)
What is voltage Potential difference between 2 points Symbol = V Types – AC, DC Scenario 2 water tanks. One half empty, one full. The difference of the water levels in the 2 tanks is similar to voltage difference.

7 Electricity 101: Current vs. Voltage (cont’d)
Measuring Voltage Video using Multimeter 10.28 to 17 mins Measuring Current Video using Multimeter 7.05 to mins

8 Understanding Cable Sizes
The smaller the gauge #, the larger the wire Different sizes are used for different applications Each gauge size can carry a max amount of current If bundle cables then current rating decreases

9 Understanding Cable Sizes (cont’d)
“Thin wall” Cable Thin layer of insulation Higher grade Lighter/denser More resistant to impact damage Used in aviation “Tinned” Cable Looks silver when insulation stripped Does not corrode as easily Use heat shrink at end to help prevent corrosion # of strands in cable More strands = more flexible Increased cost

10 FIRST Rules for wiring FIRST Rules recommend: Organized wiring
Tight connections

11 FIRST Rules for wiring (cont’d)
Common Wiring Problems / Solutions 1) Problem: Plug on Tetrix battery not reliable Solution: replace with quick-disconnect plug 2) Problem: Crimp-on connectors – never use on solid core wire Solution: Cut tinned section / replace with new blade connector 3) Problem: Screw terminals cause loose connections Solution: Use Ferrules or End Sleeves to avoid wire strays and a better connection

12 FIRST Rules for wiring (cont’d)
Proper Wiring Management Keep wiring stationary Protect Wiring – use wire loom Cut cables to correct length

13 Wiring best practices Wiring Rules
P.S. & Motor – use shielded twisted pairs Keep away from signal-carrying wires <5 feet – use 20 gauge for Motor wiring >5 feet – use 18 gauge or larger

14 Wiring termination hands-on practice
Termination Types Solder Type Strong/solid connection More reliable Crimp Type Quick / simple Use proper size connector Use proper crimp tool Good solder job Bad solder job

15 Wiring termination hands-on practice (cont’d)
How to attach 2+ wires together Find which size termination to use How to cut off wire insulation Knowledge check of the basic principles of wiring

16 Contact Information Have questions or need help in the future! me at


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