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6” f/5 tabletop telescope

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1 6” f/5 tabletop telescope
MOONSILVER V: 6” f/5 tabletop telescope By Ross Sackett Commissioned for my brother-in-law Matthew, my design challenge was to build a compact telescope that fits in an airline-legal carry-on duffle, with enough room to spare for a weekend’s worth of clothes, a compact star atlas, and red LED flashlight. This telescope is the fifth in my Moonsilver series, featuring a lightweight single-pole structure, compact focuser board and secondary assembly, and hybrid Dobsonian-fork mounting. Like a standard Dobsonian this is an “alt-az” telescope that moves vertically in altitude and horizontally in azimuth. However, unlike a conventional Dobsonian telescope, instead of two altitude arcs this design replaces one of the arcs with a pivot tightened by a tensioning knob, making it easier to hold the scope pointed at a particular elevation. It uses a conventional Newtonian optical design, with a 6” f/5 primary mirror and small flat secondary. The commercial 1-1/4” helical crayford focuser is lightweight and compact. The telescope is built of solid African mahogany and Baltic birch plywood covered in mahogany veneer. The dobsonian bearings are high-pressure laminate (Formica) running on Teflon pads. The azimuth and altitude pivots are brass bolts run through bronze bushings with brass washers and plastic knobs with nylon locking inserts. Focuser-secondary assembly Pole Mirrorbox-stock Base Red-dot finder Eyepiece lock Focuser lock Secondary mirror (partly hidden) Glare shield Lid Stock Primary mirror Altitude arc Azimuth knob Altitude pivot and Knob (hidden) Base Mirrorbox Website: Contact:

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