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The Evolution of Money.

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Presentation on theme: "The Evolution of Money."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Evolution of Money

2 Before money Barter system : relies on a “mutual coincidence of wants;” works only on a small scale

3 Functions of money Medium of exchange : something accepted by all parties as payment for goods and services Example in history : Roman soldiers paid in salt (salarium)

4 Functions of money,cont’d
Measure of value: a common denominator to express worth (AKA “standard of value” or “unit of account.”) Example : our dollars and cents on a price tag

5 Functions of money,cont’d
Store of value : allows purchasing power to be saved until it is needed Example : goods and services converted to money and vice versa

6 Early money Commodity money : money in the form of an economic good; has another use Examples : bricks of tea, corn, tobacco, gunpowder, cigs in prison

7 Early money, cont’d Fiat money : money by decree, has no other purpose
Examples : coins, wampum

8 The American Dollar Colonial times : colonists used European coins; British shilling, Austrian taler, and Spanish peso (most common) The peso and taler looked similar,so they were both called “talers” and eventually “dollars.”

9 The dollar as monetary system
Ben Franklin and Alexander Hamilton* decided to base the dollar on a system of tenths, rather than eighths (like the peso). *These are the only 2 Americans on currently printed bills that were not presidents

10 Characteristics of money
Portability : easy to carry Uniformity: each denomination represents a standard value Acceptability: legal tender Durability : must be relatively long-lasting Divisibility : must be able to be broken down into smaller units Limited in availability/stability : must be relatively scarce, or it loses its value

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