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Feeding and Digestion Sharks- carnivores and some are filter feeders

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1 Feeding and Digestion Sharks- carnivores and some are filter feeders
Gill rakers-projections on gills to strain plankton Bony fishes Grazers Filter feeders Carnivores Basking Shark

2 Parrot fish ‘Beach Makers’

3 Over the tongue and over taste buds
Over the tongue and over taste buds. Through the pharynx and into esophagus to the stomach (storage). Digestion occurs in the intestine. Pyloric ceca and the pancreas secretes digestive enzymes. Liver secretes bile (fat). Grazers have a longer intestine than carnivores. Why? Note, sharks don’t have room for a long intestine. Why? Liver is so large. A shark’s intestine has an area called the spiral valve like a staircase. Increases the surface area of the intestines w/o taking up a lot of space. Nutrients are asorbed through the intestine and into circulatory system. Wastes are eliminate

4 Spiral Valve in Sharks Note, sharks don’t have room for a long intestine. Why? Liver is so large. A shark’s intestine has an area called the spiral valve like a staircase. Increases the surface area of the intestines w/o taking up a lot of space. Nutrients are asorbed through the intestine and into circulatory system. Wastes are eliminate form the body.

5 Circulatory System 2 chambered Atrium and ventricle

6 Gills and Respiration

7 Nervous System Complex
Central Nervous System consists of the brain and spinal cord. Olfactory lobes are large- good sense of smell Optic lobes- vision is good in bony fish and poor in sharks Nictitating membrane in sharks Lateral Line- rows of small openings. Detect pressure changes Ampulae of Lorenzini- in sharks. Detect electrical impulses

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