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photo : Michael Collier

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1 photo : Michael Collier
Mitigating Impacts of Changes to the Flow Regime and Sediment Supply on the Colorado River 1. lateral recirculation zones are important because ... 2. we created a physically realistic lateral recirculation zone with mobile bed lab experiment 3. we found that instantaneous vertical flow was important to morphological evolution, as well as time-averaged lateral flow Paul Grams U.S. Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center photo : Michael Collier

2 “redesign of the river channel with dam operations”
Mitigating Impacts of Changes to the Flow Regime and Sediment Supply on the Colorado River “redesign of the river channel with dam operations” 1. lateral recirculation zones are important because ... 2. we created a physically realistic lateral recirculation zone with mobile bed lab experiment 3. we found that instantaneous vertical flow was important to morphological evolution, as well as time-averaged lateral flow Paul Grams U.S. Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center photo : Michael Collier

3 Overview Scientific background for high-flow experiments (HFEs) released from Glen Canyon Dam. How do HFEs work? What has been the response to repeat HFEs? What HFEs do and do not accomplish? 1. lateral recirculation zones are important because ... 2. we created a physically realistic lateral recirculation zone with mobile bed lab experiment 3. we found that instantaneous vertical flow was important to morphological evolution, as well as time-averaged lateral flow

4 Flow and Sediment Disruptions in the Colorado River Basin
Water sourced from the high-elevation mountains Fine sediment enters the river in the low-elevation basins All dams disrupt the flow of water The effect of each dam on fine-sediment transport depends on its location in the basin

5 Decline in magnitude of annual flood throughout basin
Greendale Green River Cisco Lees Ferry

6 Lower floods  narrower channel
1911 1952 1999 1998 Brown’s Park, Utah 1871 Glen Canyon, Arizona 1958 2008 1999 Grand Canyon, Arizona Canyonlands, Utah

7 Colorado Plateau tributaries add sediment without adding much water, causing variable impact below dams Upper Green River: Sand-bedded reaches, far downstream from Flaming Gorge Dam Channel-narrowing with no bed incision and segments of fine-sediment accumulation Glen Canyon: Sand-bedded reach, immediately downstream from Glen Canyon Dam Channel-narrowing with bed incision Marble Canyon: Debris-fan dominated reach, far downstream from Glen Canyon Dam Channel-narrowing with sandbar erosion

8 Below Glen Canyon Dam: Sediment budget affected by disruption of sand supply and change in flow regime Paria River Glen Canyon Dam Marble Canyon ~ 6% of pre-dam sand supply Colorado River at Lees Ferry, AZ This talk is about how we’re using the framework of the sediment budget in an attempt to restore (or partially restore) sandbars along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. It’s an example of a case where we’ve integrated the monitoring of sediment flux, with monitoring of geomorphic change, and with a management/decision making framework. The main subject is what we call the high-flow experiment (HFE) Protocol. Tomorrow, Jack Schmidt will be talking more about how the protocol is implemented in cooperation with the management agencies and how interests other than the movement of sand and building of sandbars are addressed. For those of you not intimately familiar with the sediment issues in Grand Canyon, a simple summary is that one of the main goals is to manipulate the system that has a very limited sand supply to build sandbars while maintaining as much ability as possible to generate hydropower. In addition to explaining how the flood protocol works, I’d like to also discuss a bit about the issues and uncertainties that remain when structuring a management strategy around a large-scale sediment budget. This has mainly to do with the spatial and temporal scales over which you try to connect the sediment budget with morphologic change. Little Colorado River Grand Canyon ~ 16% of pre-dam sand supply 85 to 95% reduction in supply coupled with ~20% reduction in mean annual flow  sediment deficit Topping et al. (2000)

9 Pre-dam Post-dam I Ratio of observed sandbar area to maximum potential sandbar area (reach-average) 1935 RM: 29-35 0-8 42-49 50-56 60-72 Pre-dam: Annual floods Abundant sand supply Large sandbars Post-dam I: Daily small floods Limited sand supply Eroding sandbars Unplanned floods (spills) About 25% reduction in sandbar area in Marble Canyon (Schmidt et al., 2004; Ross and Grams, 2015) 1952 2003

10 High Flow Experiments (HFEs)
Pre-dam Post-dam I Post-dam II: Restricted hydropower operations High Flow Experiments (HFEs) triggered by sand supply from Paria River Science and Management Questions: With frequent HFEs, will sandbars increase in size and abundance? Will frequent HFEs cause sand supply in channel to decrease and exacerbate sediment deficit? Pre-dam: Annual floods Abundant sand supply Large sandbars Post-dam I: Daily small floods Limited sand supply Eroding sandbars Unplanned floods (spills) Pre-HFE Post-HFE

11 Eroded sandbar before HFE
What are the high-flow experiments (HFEs) doing? Eroded sandbar before HFE HFE inundates sandbar Debris Fan Sandbars and fan eddy complex Sandbar following HFE HFEs transfer sand from channel and low-elevation parts of eddies to sandbars along channel margins

12 November 2016 High-flow Experiment Sandbar Deposition
River Mile (RM) 119 R HFE Deposition  11/07/2016 11/13/2016 River Mile (RM) 122R HFE Deposition  11/07/2016 11/13/2016

13 November 2016 High-flow Experiment Sandbar Deposition
11/06/2016 HFE Deposition filling gullies 11/13/2016 River Mile (RM) 23L

14 11/17/2014 5/7/2015 9/23/2015 What are the HFEs doing?
Most sandbars erode near pre-HFE size within 6 to 12 months.

15 What are the HFEs doing? Consistently rebuilding sandbars
Sandbars consistently erode following HFEs But, sandbars are consistently larger than in periods without the HFEs Erosion continues in years without HFEs

16 Will HFEs continue to be effective?

17 Sand Supply in Grand Canyon: 2012-2017
Will HFEs continue to be effective? Sand Supply in Grand Canyon: Glen Canyon Dam Paria River + 5.9 ± 3 million metric tons sand accumulation + 2 ± 5 million metric tons net balance Little Colorado River This talk is about how we’re using the framework of the sediment budget in an attempt to restore (or partially restore) sandbars along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. It’s an example of a case where we’ve integrated the monitoring of sediment flux, with monitoring of geomorphic change, and with a management/decision making framework. The main subject is what we call the high-flow experiment (HFE) Protocol. Tomorrow, Jack Schmidt will be talking more about how the protocol is implemented in cooperation with the management agencies and how interests other than the movement of sand and building of sandbars are addressed. For those of you not intimately familiar with the sediment issues in Grand Canyon, a simple summary is that one of the main goals is to manipulate the system that has a very limited sand supply to build sandbars while maintaining as much ability as possible to generate hydropower. In addition to explaining how the flood protocol works, I’d like to also discuss a bit about the issues and uncertainties that remain when structuring a management strategy around a large-scale sediment budget. This has mainly to do with the spatial and temporal scales over which you try to connect the sediment budget with morphologic change. - 3.9 ± 2 million metric tons sand erosion Alternating segments of significant sand accumulation and erosion Overall accumulation (but not significant)  No evidence for overall net evacuation or accumulation Depends on continued sand inputs from Paria and Little Colorado rivers Depends on frequency of years of high release volume (equalization years) that export more sand

18 What are the HFEs not doing?
Not depositing sandbars substantially larger than observed in past HFEs? Not depositing sandbars at substantially more locations than observed in past HFEs. Response likely constrained by HFEs that are all within narrow range of magnitude and duration. Response may also be constrained by hydrograph shape. Sandbars and fan eddy complex 1996 2004 2008 2012 Example at one site: each HFE built a large sandbar Bar volume largest in 1996 (highest discharge and longest duration) Bar area largest in 2012 (more gradual downramp) Bar less steep in 2012 (more gradual downramp)

19 4/20/1996 11/20/2016 What are the HFEs not doing? RM 194 L
Not depositing sandbars substantially larger than observed in past HFEs? Not depositing sandbars at substantially more locations than observed in past HFEs. Response likely constrained by HFEs that are all within narrow range of magnitude and duration. Response may also be constrained by hydrograph shape. Not removing vegetation or causing channel width to increase not managing for segments in sediment surplus. 4/20/1996 Sandbars and fan eddy complex 11/20/2016

20 Are dam operations a “tool” for channel design?
HFEs result in sandbar deposition that does not occur during normal operations. Because sandbars inevitably erode, they are only effective if repeated and if sand supply is maintained. 1958 Sandbars and fan eddy complex But, HFEs as currently implemented, are not expected to recreate pre-dam conditions

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