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Pair Share: Activity from two classes ago

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1 Pair Share: Activity from two classes ago
How does food impact the brain? - What is involved? - Areas of the brain? - Neurotransmitters?

2 How Much Energy Do you Need?
Print pg from textbook

3 V.O.D Overview of the digestion system
Watch Video Read through notes

4 Learning Intentions I can describe physical and chemical digestion in the mouth including the role of the teeth, tongue and salivary amylase I can describe the structure of the stomach I can describe chemical digestion in the stomach including the role of hydrochloric acid and mucus in gastric juice. I can describe swallowing and peristalsis

5 Human Digestive System
Often referred to as the gastrointestinal tract Human digestion system is a complete digestive system and has four major functions: ingestion, digestion, absorption, and egestion.

6 Digestion in the Mouth and Stomach

7 Swallowing

8 Structure of the stomach

9 Chemical Digestion in the stomach: Enzymes (pepsinogen), Hormones (gastrin) and Nerves (Release Ach)
Use the notes as a guide

10 Learning Activity Practice Questions Digestion Part 1
Labelling worksheet – digestion system

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