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Objective 02.01 Explain the role of parliamentary procedure in conducting business meetings.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 02.01 Explain the role of parliamentary procedure in conducting business meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 02.01 Explain the role of parliamentary procedure in conducting business meetings

2 Main Objectives of Parliamentary Law
Focus on one item at a time – helps prevent confusion. Extend courtesy to everyone – recognize before speaking. Observe the rule majority – keeps unpopular ideas from being adopted Ensure the rights of the minority – all sides can make motions, second motions, discuss and vote.

3 Definition of Parliamentary Procedure
Using well-defined rules from Roberts Rules of Order to conduct business using a formal, organized approach.

4 Discussion or debate Requires a 2/3 majority vote to stop discussion

5 Presiding Officer Should be fair and impartial
Should leave the chairman’s station and relinquish chairman’s duties to discuss or present a point of view.

6 Rituals Many organizations including FFA have rituals to explain emblems or symbols. They emphasize traditions and beliefs Rituals include opening and closing ceremonies, degree ceremonies, creeds, etc

7 Agenda A list of what will be done at a business meeting.
Should be prepared before the meeting

8 Parliamentary Procedure CDE
A team leadership activity

9 Individual Leadership Activities
Creed Extemporaneous speaking Prepared Public Speaking

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