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DO NOW Copy down your homework: Warm-up:.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Copy down your homework: Warm-up:."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Copy down your homework: Warm-up:

2 Which of the graphs are not possible? Why?

3 SB Lesson 6-1 Key Features of Graphs

4 Turn to page 81





9 Independent & Dependent Variables



12 Continuous Discrete


14 In other words… y-intercept will always be (0, #)

15 Y-intercept?

16 In other words… Relative maximum is the highest y-value among nearby points on a graph. Relative minimum is the lowest y-value among nearby points on a graph.

17 Relative maximum? Relative minimum?

18 Relative maximum? Relative minimum?






24 Use set notation!

25 What is the independent variable?
What is the dependent variable?








33 Write as ordered pairs






39 Example 1 A man walks from his home to the subway stop. He waits for the train to arrive. He then takes a subway to commute to work. The subway makes one stop. Make a graph below to show what is described and label the parts.

40 Example 1 Independent Variable? Dependent Variable? Time Distance

41 Example 1 Solution

42 Example 2 Sketch a graph of the altitude of a pelican, who takes off from shore, circles to search for fish, and dives to the water to catch a fish. Label each section.

43 Example 2 Independent Variable? Dependent Variable? Time Altitude

44 Example 2

45 Draw a graph that illustrates what is happening in the problems below.
Example 1: Josephine walked 40 feet. At the halfway point, she had walked for 25 seconds. She stopped for 5 seconds to tie her shoe and then continued walking for 25 more seconds.

46 Example 1 - Solution

47 Draw a graph that illustrates what is happening in the problems below.
Example 2: You are mowing the lawn. As you mow, the amount of grass to be cut decreases. You mow at the same rate until about half the grass has been cut. Then you take a break for a while. Then, mowing at the same rate as before, you finish cutting the grass. Sketch a graph that shows how much uncut grass is left as you mow, take your break, and finish mowing.

48 Example 2 - Solution

49 Draw a graph that illustrates what is happening in the problems below.
Example 3: This graph represents a flag being raised on a flagpole. Write a story that describes what is happening to the flag and explain the shape of the graph.

50 Example 3 - Solution The person raising the flag raises it a short distance, rests and regrips the cord and then raises it more. This continues until it is fully raised. By the length of the diagonal part, it is raised a little less each interval as it gets higher and the person gets tired.

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