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Paratriathlete Briefing
Monday 28th of May 2018 Paratriathlete Briefing
Briefing agenda Welcome and Introductions Competition Jury
Schedules and Timetables Check-in and Procedures The Course Post-Race Procedures Weather forecast
Welcome and Introductions
Dirk Bogaert (BEL), ITU Technical Delegate Terry Race (GBR), ITU assist. Technical Delegate Sarah Taylor (GBR), ITU Head Referee Bex Stubbing (GBR ), LOC Director
Competition Jury Dirk Bogaert (BEL), Chair
John Hamp (GBR), Head of Major events BTF Chris Kitchen (GBR), Vice President of ETU
Registration Athletes Agreement
There has been a change in the procedure of filling the Athlete’s Agreement. All Athletes will have to fill in their data on their Admin page of the ITU Website. If you need logins please contact Following the Briefing, you will sign the Agreement by filling in your name, date [both IN CAPITALS] and signature, then presenting before collecting your race package
Registration-Race Pack
Today Immediately after this briefing collect your race packs PTWC: Stickers for helmet, handcycle, racing wheelchair and daily wheelchair Stickers for prosthesis, crutches, bag Body decals Bib numbers for athlete and personal handlers Handlers T’shirt. Only one handler allowed! Accreditation
Registration-Race Pack
Today Immediately after this briefing collect your race packs PTS2, PTS3, PTS4, PTS5: Stickers for helmet and bike Stickers for prosthesis, crutches, bag Body decals Accreditation PTS2, PTS3, PTS4, PTS5 Handlers have to be approved by ITU (No approval = No handler)
Registration-Race Pack
Today Immediately after this briefing collect your race packs PTVI: Stickers for the helmets Sticker for the bike Extra sticker for bags Body decals for the athlete Accreditations
Schedule and Timetables
Monday, 28 May 2018 8: Athlete lounge ready 08:45 – 09: Swim Familiarization 09: : Athletes’ Lounge check-in 10: : Transition Area check-in 10:45 – 11: Swim Course warmup 11: Athletes line up 11: Athlete Presentations 11: Race start
Schedule and Timetables
Start Times: 11: PTS5 - Men Start (wave 1) 11: PTS5 + PTS4 Women Start (wave 2) 11: PTVI B1 - Men/Women Start (wave 3) 11:36: PTVI B2-3 – Men Start (wave 4) 11:36: PTVI B2-3 – Women Start (wave 5) 11: PTS4 Men Start (wave 6) 11: PTS4 Women Start 11: PTS2-3 Men Start (wave 7) 11: PTS2-3 Women Start (wave 8) 12: PTWC 1 - Men/Women Start (wave 9) 12:08: PTWC 2 Men Start (wave 10) 12:08: PTWC 2 Women Start (wave 11)
Schedule and Timetables
Race cut off 2 hours after the start of your wave - NC in results Medal Ceremony 14:05 athletes ready for medal presentation near mass participation tent 14: Medal ceremony
Access to Venue
Access to Venue PARKING
Check-in procedures Athletes Lounge: 09:30 - 11:00
Come with your registered Handler/Guide Handler t’shirt and race number check Bike check Uniform check Equipment check & marking (braces, tethers, etc.) Swim cap distribution - colour according to your swim exit needs Timing chip
Check-in procedures Note: approved impairment adaptations for bike available at: triathlon Wave number written on hand Registration of equipment for pre-transition area Registration of spare wheels for the wheel station (10:45 – 11:15) by coaches Leave bags in the Athletes’ Lounge, where you can collect them after the race ( please put race numbers on bags)
Swim Caps PTWC - RED PTS 2, 3, 4, 5 - either RED/YELLOW/GREEN
Timing Chips – where to wear
PTWC: 1 on the handcycle (rear axle - safety bar) 1 on the wheelchair (close to the front fork) PTS2/PTS3/PTS4/PTS5: Double amputees : Bike prosthesis + Run prosthesis Single amputees : Existing ankle + Bike prosthesis No amputation : Both ankles PTVI: 1 on Athlete ankle, 1 on Guide ankle
Allowed Equipment - Uniform
Swim Leg and arm covers are allowed Wetsuits up to 5mm thickness Vest warmers are NOT allowed Gloves are NOT permitted Any part of the body maybe covered except the face, hands and feet No prosthesis socks, unless the pins are adequately covered. This will be checked PTVI 1 athletes must wear black-out goggles during the swim – can only be removed when at transition at bike position
Allowed Equipment - Uniform
Bike & Run Athletes can wear long sleeved shirt under their uniform – it must be worn for the entire event PTWC athletes can wear uniform with sleeves extending from the shoulder up to but not covering the elbow Arm covers can be worn and can be removed during the event BUT only in Transition. Do not remove during the race and hand to someone else. This will lead to DSQ PTVI 1 athletes must wear black-out glasses on both bike and run If you prefer to wear a jacket during the event, it must be clear/transparent.
Transition Area A chair will be provided for each of the athletes (except PTWC and VI) To add anything to the bike, approval is to be obtained from the Head Referee at the end of the Athletes Briefing Only Athletes and their Handlers will be allowed into the transition Running shoes on the ground, helmet on the bike Do not leave your helmet strap fastened in the transition Athlete who does not comply with this rule will receive a 10 second time penalty in TA1 Coaches to check the spare wheels at wheelstation between 10:45 till 11:15h. Must be collected no later than 14h
The Courses Swim 1 lap of 750m Bike 4 laps of 5 km = 20km Run
The courses
Pre Start Procedure Athletes’ Introduction:
10 minutes before your start, line up before entrance to pontoon Wear official swim cap, 2nd swim cap unbranded Introduction order: PTS5, PTVI, PTS4, PTS2&3, PTWC Wave number, then category, then race number Move to the swim start pontoon when you are introduced Leave your prosthesis, crutches, etc. at the pre-transition to the numbered chair according to the last digit of your race number Officials can assist you to the start pontoon Select your position and sit on the pontoon. Please remain there until instructed to enter the water
Pre Start Procedure Wave Starts
Staggered start to accommodate varying levels of ability for the PTWC and PTVI categories Each wave will start at an exact time Please follow instructions promptly
Start Procedures for waves
Athletes in position in the water: Deep water start One hand on the pontoon The start can be given any time after the Starter announces “ On your mark” AIR horn blasts The race starts
False Start Procedures
False start with many athletes: Several air horn blasts Paddle Boarders in front of you Athletes go back to their original starting spot Valid start but with early starters: If someone starts before the horn and every one else starts with the horn, the early starter(s) will receive a 10 second time penalty in T1 During the time penalty, the athlete(s) can not touch any race equipment
Swim course Water temperature: Today 10:00h = 18°C
One lap of 750m (total distance 750m) Distance to the first turn buoy – 330m. Keep first two buoys A and B on your right; buoy C on the left side. Clockwise swim Swim behaviour will closely monitored and recorded by water based officials Raise arm in air if assistance required Take your cap, goggles, wetsuit to transition and leave in your space PTVI 1 athletes must wear black-out goggles throughout the swim. Black-out goggles may be removed only once the athlete and guide have re ached their bike position in T1.
Swim Course Map
PTVI Swim Conduct Each athlete must be tethered to their own guide during the swim. At no time may a guide lead or pace the competitor nor propel them forward by pulling or pushing. The guide must swim next to the athlete within a maximum separation distance of 1.5m from the athlete’s head to the guide’s head. The tether should be elastic rope with bright or reflective colour and up to 0.8m long measured with no tension. It can be fixed at any point of the athletes' body. Guide’s head can be at any point with the two red hemispheres next to the athlete, as shown above, if outside these areas, it will be considered as a violation.
Swim Exit Handling Swim exit assistance only by the LOC Swim Exit Assistants. They will provide support to all athletes according to their swim cap color. No Personal Handlers allowed to assist at Swim Exit
Pre Transition Area Athletes’ registered equipment (prosthesis, crutches, day chairs) Folding chairs with numbers – athletes must leave their prosthesis or crutches at the chair with the same number as the last digit of their race number PTVI athletes are not allowed to use the pre-transition area Only PTWC Handlers are allowed in this area PTWC athletes must transfer in a daily wheelchair from pre-transition to transition No wetsuit removal by TOs or volunteers
Pre Transition Area No athletes’ equipment can be left in the pre-transition area, once the athlete exits the pre-transition Adapted cleats and bike shoes with non-exposed cleats are allowed provided the cleats are covered or enclosed by anti-slip material PTS2 to PTS5 with an absent lower limb must use a prosthesis or crutches between pre-transition and transition. Hopping on one leg is not allowed.
Transition Area Traditional Bike Racks with Name, Number, Country Code and Flag Rack bike by seat, front wheel facing outwards Tandem Bikes - lengthways against the rack Handcycles / Wheel chairs - within the athletes area All used equipment in your space ( mobility equipment within your area) Failure to do so = 10” penalty on run PB
Transition Flows PT WC PT VI PT WC PT VI PT S5 PT S4 PT S3 PT S2
9 poles WC (7 athletes) 9 poles WC (7 athletes) 9 poles WC (7 athletes) 9 poles WC (7 athletes) 9 poles WC (7 athletes) 9 poles WC (7 athletes)
Transition Flows
Transition Flows Mount Line at the end of the TA (GREEN LINE)
Dismount line at the beginning of TA (RED LINE) PTS2-5 & PTVI – mount/dismount your bike past/before the mount/dismount line PTWC – shall Stop completely at the mount and dismount line. The Technical official will advise when you can continue
Transition GO! PTWC Handcycle Mount Mount
Transition Area PTVI1 must put on blackout glasses immediately after arriving at the assigned space inside T1 PT VI athletes must use blackout glasses throughout bike/run until the athletes and guides cross the finish line Helmet MUST be fastened before unracking bike PTWC athletes must put the bib at the back of the handcycle and racing wheelchair
Bike course 4 laps of 5 km = 20 km ( 19.7 km)
Only come into TA on the final lap for T2 Flat, not technical Draft illegal race Ride on the left, pass on the right! Bike Wheel Station 1 Team wheel station located after the start of each bike lap Bike Penalty box: Any penalties will be served at the bike Penalty Box, located at the end of each bike lap ( before bridge)
Bike Course - Draft Illegal
Non drafting zone: 10m from their front wheel to your front wheel Maximum 20 seconds allowed to pass Blue Card shown for drafting penalty In case of penalty, stop at the Bike Penalty Box – 1 minute Not stopping or second drafting offence – DSQ It is the athletes responsibility to stop at the bike PB – Numbers not posted on board Dismount the bike and inform the Bike PB TO your race number, the number of penalties to serve, and the color of card received
Other Infringements Refer to 3.3 on the Competition Rules
Start infringements will be served in T1 Swim, T1, Bike, T2 and Run Infringements will be served in Run Penalty Box Location: Run PB = 150m at end of the run lap Information: White board to show race numbers and letters to indicate violations (Athletes need to read the board – coaches are advised to check and inform their athletes) Procedure: 10-second time penalty served on any lap of the run Athletes have the option to decide whether to stop at the penalty box and serve the penalty or continue to the finish. Not stopping will result in DSQ on crossing the finish line. The athlete may then appeal the penalty. Evidence will only be made available if an appeal is filed.
Run Penalty Box Rule interpretation
Mount after the mount line: An athlete’s foot must contact the ground past the mount line, before the athlete mounts the bike. If this contact doesn’t occur, it is considered an infringement of the rules (M). Dismount before the dismount line: An athlete’s foot must contact the ground before the dismount line after the athlete dismounts the bike. If this contact doesn’t occur, it is considered an infringement of the rules (D). Discharge or store your equipment inside your designated area: Leaving the equipment (swim cap, goggles, helmet, etc.) in the designated box. If leaving the equipment outside the box, it is considered an infringement of the rules (E).
Run Penalty Box Violations Abbreviations: Littering: L Mount Line: M
Swim violations: S Dismount Line: D Other violations: V Equipment outside box: E For example: 12D = athlete #12 received a time penalty for a dismount line violation 2x12ME = athlete #12 received 2-time penalties for mount line and equipment outside the box violations
PTWC Handlers Direction after T1&T2
Personal Handlers moving to the Wheel Station should inform the TO’s that they are going there Please clear transition once last athlete is on the run ( apprx. 13:25h) Proceed to finish line via Recovery area, off the FOP Do not go down the finish chute
Bike Course Attention
Wheel station & Penalty Box
Caution signal: sharp whistles and red flags
Transition 2 All used equipment goes into your area
Failure to do so = 10” penalty on the run Dismount line at the beginning of transition ( RED line) PTWC shall stop completely at the dismount line and wait TO signal to start PTS2 – S5 & VI must dismount before the dismount line
Transition 2 PTVI 1 athletes must continue to wear BLACKOUT glasses during T2 and run segments All used equipment in your space ( mobility equipment within your area) Helmet MAY only be unfastened after racking the bike PTWC athletes must put the bib at the back of the racing wheelchair
Run course 2 laps of 2.5km = 5km
Loop to the left of the lake, flat, 1 technical turn at the far end Free Leading zones: contact is allowed 10 meters before and after the following ( see map): Aid stations technical turns Aid stations: 2 per lap Aid station 1 = wheel station for PTWC Discard plastic bottles within designated Litter Zones At the end of the last lap, exit run course and proceed down blue carpet to Finish line Photo-finish camera will be operating
Run Course
Transition Flows
VI leading zones VI VI
Run Course
RUN Penalty Box Location: Apprx 150m before the end of the run lap
Penalty Notification: Your race number will be shown on the Penalty Box white board with a letter indicating the nature of infringement:
Post-race Procedures No congestion in the finish area: go to mixed zone / recovery area Medal Presentation – approx. at 14:15 Dress “up” and you will be checked before going out for the presentation for unapproved sponsor advertising
Post-race Procedures Anti-Doping Control
Photo ID is needed for every athlete to have ready for Doping Control, if selected
Coaches Accreditation / wristbands
Accreditations will be distributed to those that have been entered through the online system from their NF Coaches will have access to: Athletes’ Lounge/Post Race Recovery Area Near but not inside Penalty Box Area Near but not inside Wheel Station Area Beside TA
Medical Access Accreditation / wristbands
Accreditations will be distributed to those that have been entered through the online system from their NF ( 1 accrd. / NF) Team Medical will be allowed to enter the medical tent after permission from the Medical Director.
Handlers Notes Personal handlers are specifically allowed to assist paratriathletes by: Helping with prosthetic devices/assistive devices Lifting the participants in and out of handcycles and wheelchairs Removing wetsuits or clothing Repairing flats, punctures and helping with other equipment
Handlers Notes All handlers shall be subjected to the ITU
Competition Rules Any action taken by the Handler which propels the competitor forward may at the discretion of the Race Referee, be grounds for a time penalty or disqualification Personal handlers can only assist with their athlete ITU has to approve the need of handlers for the PTS2, PTS3, PTS4 and PTS5 athletes
Weather forecast Race day: 20°C up to 22°C Showers
Temperature and Weather Race day: 20°C up to 22°C Showers
Latest information Windsor Marriott Hotel guests:
Breakfast available from 7am. If you need breakfast packet, please arrange this with reception. PARKING at Dorney lake: Please park at designated area or your car may be blocked until the end of the Mass Participation event at 6:30pm.
Access to Briefing Info
Have a great race!
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