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Validating Formative and interim Assessments Under ESSA

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Presentation on theme: "Validating Formative and interim Assessments Under ESSA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Validating Formative and interim Assessments Under ESSA
Opening slide to be on screen as all participants log in. Introduce the webinar and provide an overview. Note that the first part may be pretty depressing, but there is hope. Michael B. Bunch

2 This Act may be cited as the “Every Student Succeeds Act”.
ESSA 2015 Public Law To reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to ensure that every child achieves. SECTION 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the “Every Student Succeeds Act”.

3 Innovative Assessments (§ 1204)
Instructionally embedded Interim Summative Computer adaptive Differentiated instruction

4 It Takes Three Describe the three components of aligned assessment: Formative, Interim (Benchmark), and Summative. Note that I will focus primarily on interim today. Formative is primarily a classroom-based activity and is much more involved than we will be able to address adequately today. In the past, when I’ve given this presentation, I tell a story here about my father-in-law who was a career naval officer. He received a commendation from the Department of the Navy for successfully guiding a task force through the Great Barrier Reef (he was the navigator on the admiral’s flagship). He took frequent readings, made small course adjustments, occasionally met with the captains and others, and got everyone safely through one of the most dangerous coral reefs in the world. But today, I have a different story, one that came to me from the most unlikely source. You’ve probably heard about Jim Collins or his book, Good to Great. He’s written another book, Great by Choice, which is sort of a sequel about companies that chose to discipline themselves to be great in the face of circumstances that drove other similar companies into bankruptcy or acquisition by other companies.

5 Validating Innovative Assessments
New rules Focus on utility Does formative assessment help? How can we know?

6 PEG Ellis Page – 1966 “Trins” and “Proxes” Evolved to “Features”

7 PEG Interactions Student-System Teacher-System Teacher-Student Student-Student

8 PEG Programs State Programs National Programs Other Applications
Utah Compose (grades 3-12) PEG Writing (grades 3-12) WPP Online (with Educational Records Bureau) Texas PEG Writing (grades 3-12) PEG Writing Scholar (primarily community college) PEG Korea NC Write (grades 3-12) PEG Hong Kong CBAS (Connecticut, grades 3-12) PEG Sweden

9 PEG Reliability

10 PEG – Update Fewer features Instructionally meaningful Uniform Decorrelated

11 PEG – Professional Development
Basic Training – creating courses, adding prompts, responding to student essays, utilizing reports Advanced Training – utilizing advanced features, setting up peer review, working collaboratively with colleagues Workshop – creating prompts and/or lesson plans

12 How Can We Tell? Formative to formative Formative to Interim Formative/Interim to Summative

13 Study 1: Wilson (2012) Formative-Formative Identify struggling writers Move them to proficient writers Practice makes proficient (but maybe not perfect)

14 Study 2: Wilson & Andrada (2016)
Formative-Formative Hierarchical Linear Modeling Scores improve with practice Diminishing returns

15 Study 3: Wilson (In Review)
Path analysis Smarter Balanced ELA score No direct effect Indirect effect via “self-efficacy” Feedback promotes trying

16 Conclusions/Recommendations
Integrate formative, interim, and summative assessments Focus on teacher involvement Assessment literacy Assessment development Update Standards and Best Practices

17 Thank You!

18 Michael B. Bunch Senior Vice President Measurement Incorporated
Contact Information Michael B. Bunch Senior Vice President Measurement Incorporated x 1168

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