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การแก้ปัญหา (Problem Solving)

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Presentation on theme: "การแก้ปัญหา (Problem Solving)"— Presentation transcript:

1 การแก้ปัญหา (Problem Solving)
ลือชา ลดาชาติ วิทยาลัยการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา

2 D efinitions Problem solving can be understood as the bridging of the gap between an initial state of affairs [problem] and a desired state [solution] where no predetermined operator or strategy is known to the individual. (p.4) gap Problem Solution(s)

3 Models Bergan’s

4 Models Blai’s

5 Models Jayanthi & Friend’s Problem identification
Generation of alternative solutions Decision making Implementation of the solution Evaluation of the outcomes “Knowledge about the states of the problem-solving, by itself, does not ensure success.” (p.42)

6 Models Problem identification Focus on the problem
What kind of specific behaviors that lead to the existence of the problem? How can we describe typical events that demonstrate the problem situation?

7 Models Problem identification Clarify the problem
Obtain a detailed and concrete behavioral descriptor of the problem situation. Analyze the problem in terms of client characteristics. Analyze the problem in terms of frequency, duration, and intensity. Analyze the problem by means to ab environmental assessment. Analyze the problem by means of an organism evaluation such as visual ability influencing the problem behavior. Obtain information regarding the future expected levels of performance. Obtain information regarding the client’s strengths and weakness.

8 How we define the problem determines how we solve the problem.
Models Problem identification Define the problem Use a broad problem definition instead of a narrow one, as the latter might hinder the problem-solving process. Express the problem in terms of a specific need, lack of knowledge, error, pain, or difficulty. Reword problem statements to make them more meaningful. Generate alternative definitions of the problem and subsequently choose one that is practical, reasonable, and workable. How we define the problem determines how we solve the problem.

9 Models Generate alternative solutions
It involves as many potential solutions as possible for a given problem. Two approaches Brainstorming: Generating idea orally with one member listing them on paper. Brainwriting: People list their ideas on paper first, before sharing them. Postponement of critical evaluation of solutions until a maximum number of ideas has been generated.

10 Models Generate alternative solutions Some techniques recommended
Rule out criticism Encourage quantity of ideas Generate as many outrageous, offbeat, or wild ideas as possible Combine and build on existing ideas Use a series of verbs such as magnify, minify, modify, rearrange, add, delete, combine, reverse, and so on Create a picture or an image of ideas Use idea checklist to assist generation of solutions Be specific while expressing ideas Set a quota of ideas that need to be generated.

11 Models Decision Making Screening Evaluation Selection
Ideas are selected or rejected on the basis of the criteria. Evaluation The ideas selected are elaborated by outlining, in details, the specific tasks and activities required for each alternative. Selection Weighing the various alternatives against each other in terms of the positive and negative effects of their consequence. The purpose of the decision-making state … is to select the optimum solution from a pool of alternate solutions. However, individual may not always be able to identify accurately the best of the options they have generated.

12 Models Implementation of the solution Pre-implementation
Assign people to the key tasks Train the assigned personnel in the key tasks if necessary Assemble the necessary materials If possible, simulate the implementation. Implementation Monitor the implementation of the solution Collect data on the effective implementation of the preferred solution Keep trach and regulate actual versus expected progress Provide feedback to all persons responsible for carrying out the plan Make correction if inaccuracies are observed Revise procedure during implementation if the problem situation is not charging as desired.

13 Models Evaluation of the outcomes Evaluate goal attainment
Evaluate plan effectiveness Evaluate need for post-implementation planning Evaluate consumer satisfaction Meta-evaluation: The implementers should step back and review the problem-solving process. (e.g., making each person write down two strengths and two weakness of the solution as implemented.

14 Successful problem solving depends on three components
Cognition Metacognition Motivation

15 Components Cognition (based on problems being solved)
Instructional objectives/knowledge Different kinds of thinking (e.g., Bloom’s taxonomy) Encoding, inferring, applying, and reasoning. Mastering (cognitive) skills is not enough to promote nonroutine problem solving. Students need to know not only what to do, but also when to do it. (p.50) Possessing basic skills is a necessary, but not sufficient prerequisite for successful solving higher-level problems. (p.52)

16 Metacognition (Thinking about thinking)
Components Metacognition (Thinking about thinking) Knowledge of when to use, how to coordinate, and how to monitor various skills in problem solving. Problem solving skills should be learned within the context of realistic problem-solving situations. The most successful instructional technique for teaching students how to control their … problem-solving strategies is cognitive modelling of problem solving in context, that is, having a competent problem solver describe her thinking process as she solves a real problem.

17 Let’s practice Tower of Hanoi problem
ย้ายแผ่นวงกลมจากเสา 1 ไปอยู่เสา 3 โดย ย้ายได้ทีละอัน แผ่นล่างต้องใหญ่กว่าแผ่นบนเสมอ 1 2 3 1 2 3

18 Components Metacognition
When reading, metacognitive persons often ask if and how they understand the text. When writing, metacognitive persons often monitor what they write makes sense to themselves and other readers. When calculating, metacognitive persons often check if they are on the right track toward the solution. If not, they look for alternatives.

19 Components Metacognition

20 Components Motivation Motivation based on interest
Student think harder and process the material more deeply when they are interested rather than uninterested. Motivation based on self-efficacy Self-efficacy refers to a person’s judgments of his or her capabilities to accomplish some task. Students work harder on a learning task when they judge themselves as capable than when they lack confidence on their ability to learn. Motivation based on attributions Students who attribute academic success and failure to effort are more likely to work hard on academic tasks than students who attribute academic success and failure to ability.

21 Some quotes If you think it’s possible, it’s possible.

22 Let’s solve problem. จากภาพ น้ำผลไม้แต่ละยี่ห้อมีรูปทรงแตกต่างกัน

23 Let’s solve problem.

24 Let’s solve problem. นิสิตจะออกแบบบรรจุภัณฑ์ให้มีรูปทรงอย่างไร เพื่อให้ผู้บริโภคเทน้ำผลไม้ออกได้หมด และผู้ผลิตสะดวกในการขนส่ง Problem identification Generation of alternative solutions Decision making Implementation of the solution Evaluation of the outcome

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