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Double V campaign Tuskegee airmen

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1 Create a chart which lists as many problems the faced black Americans who moved north before WWII

2 Double V campaign Tuskegee airmen
500,000+ black American soldiers served in WWII 1941- A. Philip Randolph convinced the government to set up all-black combat units Tuskegee Airmen- 1st group of all black pilots trained for the US airforce In 200 missions they never lost a bomber to enemy fire! Tuskegee airmen

3 Double V campaign Failures of the Double V campaign:
racial tensions continued during the war competition back home for jobs and housing created race riots as blacks moved north Detroit- 25 black, 9 white killed in riot Harlem - 5 blacks died in riots South - violent protest and 75 lynchings reported during the war

4 Double V campaign Successes of the Double V campaign:
CORE- congress of racial equality created - the beginning of a mass movement for civil rights Nation of Islam- Believed in separation of races and blacks should not fight for white Americans

5 Brown vs Board of Education
The NAACP’s case: “Their main thesis was that segregation, of itself, was unconstitutional. The 14th Amendment, which was adopted July 28, 1868, was intended to wipe out the last vestige of inequality between the races, the Negro side argued. … The Negroes also asserted that segregation had a psychological effect on pupils of the Negro race and was detrimental to the educational system as a whole.”

6 Linda Brown Linda Brown with her classmates
Browns father was recruited by the NAACP as he thought it was wrong that his 8 year old should have to travel further than white children to a school in disrepair 1952- Mr Brown took the school board to court so his daughter could attend 1896- the Supreme Court had decided that segregation was acceptable Linda Brown with her classmates

7 Brown vs Board of Education
May 17th, 1954 the Supreme Court changed the decision it had made 60 years before “in the field of public education the doctrine of “separate but equal” has no place’ This was the first victory for Civil Rights campaigners

8 Aftermath of Brown vs Board
Problems: How to make the southern States desegregate their school?? By the end of 1956 not one black child attended a “white school” in the South Southern states thought the Supreme Court was “out of touch” with their realities

9 Brown vs Board of Education
Explain the significance of the Brown vs Board of Education case for the advancement of civil rights. Include 3 relevant, informative points.

10 Murder of Emmett Till The third and final straw after the Double V Campaign and the Brown vs Board case was the brutal murder of Emmett Till (previously studied) Till’s body was mutilated and not recognizable His murderers were let free and later admitted to his murder Emmett’s open casket and disfigured face became global news - coverage was immense

11 Copy into your notes Black American men who had served in WWII remembered the Double-V campaign. The Supreme Court of 1954 showed that segregation could be over ruled and the murder of Emmett Till motivated people to push harder against the opening door of civil rights.

12 Questions- answer in sentences
Why did the Supreme Court decision of eventually lead to the end of the “Jim Crow” laws? Using what you know, explain why the Supreme court decision was so important.

13 Practice Question Source A- The point to remember is that the Klan did have important friends. Few Klansmen were arrested and in some communities the Klan was helped by local officials. Each time the Klan came on a raid they were led by police cars. Describe in your own words why the writer thought so little was done to stop lynchings by the KKK. you should use Source A and your own knowledge. (5 marks)

14 Source Question

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