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Civil War JEOPARDY! To change the question and answer slides, select the question or answer text box and type in your own questions and answers. To play,

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Presentation on theme: "Civil War JEOPARDY! To change the question and answer slides, select the question or answer text box and type in your own questions and answers. To play,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil War JEOPARDY! To change the question and answer slides, select the question or answer text box and type in your own questions and answers. To play, click on a question on the game board to go to that question. The house icon will take you to the game board and the question mark icon will take you to the answer slide.

2 JEOPARDY! Politics People Battles Lincoln’s Speeches Abolition Timeline 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

3 His primary goal after being elected and throughout the war was to preserve the Union.

4 Who is President Lincoln.

5 President Lincoln believed it was illegal for the Southern states to do this, which means leave the union.

6 What is Secede?

7 Prior to the war the US was divided by great differences in different regions known as this.

8 What is sectionalism?

9 Armed conflict between pro and anti-slavery forces in Kansas was a result of this Act.

10 What is the Kansas Nebraska Act?

11 This Supreme Court case allowed slavery to expand into the US territories.
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

12 What is Dred Scot v. Sandord?
Template by Modified by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Chad Vance, CCISD

13 His election in 1860 motivated South Carolina and other Southern states to secede.

14 Who is Lincoln.

15 He was the President of the Confederacy after its secession.

16 Who is Jefferson Davis?

17 He debated Lincoln in Illinois and favored popular sovereignty for territories.

18 Who is Stephen Douglas?

19 He accepted the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia in 1865.

20 Who is Ulysses S. Grant?

21 Following the Civil War, this Confederate General urged Southerners to reconcile and rejoin the US.

22 Who is Robert E. Lee?

23 This was the opening confrontation of the war in South Carolina.

24 What is Ft. Sumter?

25 This extremely deadly battle in Maryland inspired Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.

26 What is Antietam?

27 Daily Double!!! This 3-day battle in Pennsylvania is considered the turning point of the war.

28 What is Gettysburg?

29 General Winfield Scott developed this plan for defeating the South with a blockade.

30 What is the Anaconda Plan?

31 The battle of the Monitor vs
The battle of the Monitor vs. Merrimac near Hampton Roads is famous for being the first confrontation of these.

32 What are ironclads?

33 “For score and 7 years ago…: begins this speech.

34 What is the Gettysburg Address?

35 The Emancipation Proclamation freed only slaves in these.

36 What are rebelling states?

37 In a debate against Stephen Douglas Lincoln said, “a house divided against itself cannot _.”

38 What is “stand”?

39 In this speech, Lincoln wishes “malice towards none and charity for all”.

40 What his is 2nd inaugural address?

41 In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln said the war was “dedicated to the proposition that all men are…” this.

42 What is “created equal”?

43 This famous former slave encouraged Lincoln to use former slaves in the Union army.

44 Who is Frederick Douglass?

45 This book by Harriet Beecher Stowe inspired many more Northerners to become abolitionists.

46 What is Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

47 Frederick Douglass advocated for passing this Amendment which ended slavery forever.

48 What is the 13th?

49 William Lloyd Garrison published this antislavery newspaper.

50 What is the Liberator?

51 This political party was founded in 1854 and opposed the spread of slavery.

52 What is the Republican Party?

53 The war ended when Gen. Lee surrendered in April 1865 here.

54 What is Appomattox Courthouse?

55 South Carolina seceded from the Union after this.

56 What is the election of President Lincoln?

57 Before the war, he led an attempted slave uprising at Harper’s Ferry.

58 Who is John Brown?

59 Following the war, many Southern cities were left this.

60 What is destroyed?

61 The Confederate strategy to win the war was to gain this as soon as possible.

62 What are foreign alliances and recognition.

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