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Keeper Training PASA Sanctuaries

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1 Keeper Training PASA Sanctuaries

2 What is a PASA Sanctuary?
Definition of PASA member sanctuaries: “A PASA member sanctuary provides a safe and secure home for African primates in need. The welfare of the individuals and the preservation of the species are of prime importance. The sanctuary uses an integrated approach to conservation, which can include rehabilitation and reintroduction.”

3 22 Organizations housing monkeys and apes in 13 countries in Africa
Current Numbers 22 Organizations housing monkeys and apes in 13 countries in Africa


5 Why Do We Need PASA Sanctuaries?
Multiple conservation issues have led to orphaned primates who are confiscated or surrendered Habitat fragmentation Pet Trade Bushmeat Disease Others

6 How do primates end up here?
Authorities may confiscate a monkey or ape A person holding a monkey or ape may surrender the animal to the authorities or to the sanctuary itself

7 Deciding Best Placement for a Primate
Involves a Decision Tree that takes into account what is best for an individual primate. Considerations include: Species (Hybrid? Endangered species?) Country of origin Ability to provide individual with a suitable social group Space in a particular sanctuary Sanctuary facilities Contraception issues Chances for release or reintroduction

8 Principles of PASA Sanctuaries
May not purchase or provide compensation of any sort to acquire animals No selling, trading, loaning, or trafficking of any wildlife placed in sanctuary is allowed Whenever possible we try to keep primates in their country of origin Register with national organizations and comply with local, national, and international laws

9 PASA Ideals Consult Collaborate & Cooperate Coordinate
With other experts in the field – locally, nationally, internationally & globally Collaborate & Cooperate With law enforcement, other sanctuaries, local communities Coordinate For the best welfare outcomes and the best interest of each individual primate in our care

10 Additional PASA Ideals
Integrate With the local culture & community Facilitate Primate welfare & care Educate On issues affecting primates in Africa Kanoa.

11 SOP’s – Standard Operating Procedures
Each PASA sanctuary should have an SOP manual available at all times in a staff area. These documents should be reviewed regularly by staff and will be updated at least every 2 years.

12 SOP Manuals Include (Specific to Individual Sanctuaries)
Daily routines Rules Protocols Emergency procedures Diets Record keeping procedures Enrichment Items

13 Staff Members & Volunteers
Training will be assessed regularly Training will be ongoing in order to communicate: Advancements & new developments in the field Improved welfare practices New veterinary procedures New care/feeding/cleaning methods

14 PASA Training Workshops, conferences & other training available
Funded by PASA Topics include Enclosure construction Disease prevention Financial planning Fundraising Social media Animal Health Reintroduction

15 Conclusions Many members don’t have support groups in the U.S. and don’t have a reliable way to accept donations from the U.S. other than bank transfers to Africa, which are complicated.

16 Thank you! Please get in touch if you have questions or want to discuss anything. You can read our latest news on Facebook. Any questions?

17 The PASA Primate Care Training Program is made possible by a generous grant from Fondation Brigitte Bardot.

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