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Presentation on theme: "You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question.
Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

2 Click here for Final Jeopardy
Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy

3 Battles 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point
People Battles Documents Vocabulary Colonists Speak Out Misc. 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points

4 Who was chosen to be commander in chief of the Continental Army?

5 Who was George Washington?

6 Who headed the committee that wrote the Articles of Confederation?

7 Who was John Dickinson?

8 The main author of the Declaration of Independence.

9 Who was Thomas Jefferson?

10 This person was said to have planned the Boston Tea Party.

11 Who was Samuel Adams?

12 This person called for a resolution in the Second Continental Congress for independence from Britain.

13 Who was Richard Henry Lee?

14 When did the British realize that fighting the colonists would not be easy?

15 What is the Battle of Bunker Hill?

16 Why were the battles at Lexington and Concord important?

17 What was they marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

18 What did the British government do to help pay the costs of the French and Indian War?

19 What is it passed new tax laws for the colonies.

20 How did the Battle of Bunker Hill change Britain’s view of the colonists?

21 What is it showed the British that the colonists would not be easily defeated.

22 In what year did the French and Indian War start?

23 What is 1754?

24 What happened on July 4, 1776?

25 What is Congress voted to accept the Declaration of Independence.

26 What was the first plan of government for the United States called?

27 What is the Articles of Confederation?

28 What is one effect that the Articles of Confederation had on the new nation?

29 What is the states were held together as a nation during the Revolutionary War.

30 This was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.

31 Who was John Hancock?

32 How many main parts are in the Declaration of Independence?

33 What are four main parts?

34 A plan for spending money

35 What is a budget?

36 To refuse to buy

37 What is boycott?

38 Freedom to govern on one’s own.

39 What is independence?

40 A formal agreement among groups or individuals.

41 What is an alliance?

42 The act of speaking or acting for someone else.

43 What is representation?

44 How did many colonists protest the taxes placed on British goods?

45 What is they refused to buy British goods?

46 How did the Committees of Correspondence help the colonists fight British rule?

47 What is they spread information quickly?

48 Many colonists said that Parliament could not tax them because the colonists had no ________, or voice.

49 What is representation?

50 The First Continental Congress decided to send a ______ to the king, stating the colonists’ rights.

51 What is a petition?

52 At Breed’s Hill, colonists fired at British soldiers from defenses called ________.

53 What are earthworks?

54 Why did the First Continental Congress meet in 1774?

55 What is it met to decide how to respond to British policies and actions.

56 What was the Proclamation of 1763?

57 What is it was a British announcement that set aside lands west of the Appalachian Mountains for Native Americans.

58 The act of working against one’s own government.

59 What is treason?

60 This person came up with the “Join or Die” cartoon.

61 Who was Benjamin Franklin?

62 In its signed petition to the king, which rights did the First Continental Congress claim colonists had?

63 What is the right to life, liberty, right to assemble, right to trial by jury.

64 Final Jeopardy Make your wager

65 “I told the Second Continental Congress that the 13 colonies no longer owed loyalty to the British king.”

66 Who was Richard Henry Lee?

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