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Fframwaith Gwella Mesurau Arbennig

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Presentation on theme: "Fframwaith Gwella Mesurau Arbennig"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fframwaith Gwella Mesurau Arbennig
Iechyd Meddwl ac Anableddau Dysgu Special Measures Improvement Framework Mental Health and Learning Disabilities

2 Ein heriau… - Our challenges…
Llywodraethu gwan Weak governance Arweinyddiaeth wael Poor leadership Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Canfyddiad o ansawdd gofal gwael Perception of poor quality of care Adroddiad Donna Ockenden, Donna Ockenden Report

3 Ein taith…-Our journey…
Adolygiad Strategaeth a Gwasanaeth Strategy and Service Review Arweinyddiaeth, Llywodraethu ac Atebolrwydd Leadership Governance & Accountability Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Ansawdd a Phrofiad y Claf Quality and Patient Experience Adolygiadau Llywodraethu Governance Reviews 2018 Gwelliannau Ystadau ac Amgylcheddol Estates and Environmental Improvements

4 2018 Adolygiad Gwasanaeth a Strategaeth- Strategy and Service Review
Adolygiad Flynn ac Eley Flynn and Eley Review Ymgysylltu dan arweiniad defnyddwyr gwasanaeth Service user led engagement Ymgysylltu Estynedig Extensive Engagement Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Uwch Gynhadledd Iechyd Meddwl Mental Health Summit Bwrdd Partneriaeth Gogledd Cymru Wedi’i gymeradwyo a’i sefydlu NW Partnership Board approved and established 2018 Cymeradwyaeth holl bartneriaid statudol All statutory partners approval

5 Ein taith…-Our journey…
Adolygiad Gwasanaeth a Strategaeth Strategy and Service Review Arweinyddiaeth Llywodraethu ac Atebolrwydd Leadership Governance & Accountability Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Ansawdd a Phrofiad y Claf Quality and Patient Experience Gwelliannau Ystadau ac Amgylcheddol Estates and Environmental Improvements 2018 Adolygiadau Llywodraethu Governance Reviews

6 2018 Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15
Arweinyddiaeth, Llywodraethu ac Atebolrwydd - Leadership, Governance and Accountability Strwythur dros dro i oruchwylio cynllun 100 diwrnod Interim structure to Oversee 100 plans Penodiad- Cyfarwyddwr Iechyd Meddwl Appointment – Director of Mental Health Penodiad- Cyfarwyddwr Meddygol Nyrsio Appointment – Medical Director of Nursing Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Penodiadau Triwriaeth Ardal Leol Dros Dro Interim Locality Triumvirates appointments 2018 Perfformiad gwell mewn meysydd allweddol Improved performance in key areas

7 Ein taith…-Our journey…
Adolygiad Gwasanaeth a Strategaeth Strategy and Service Review Arweinyddiaeth Llywodraethu ac Atebolrwydd Leadership Governance & Accountability Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Ansawdd a Phrofiad y Claf Quality and Patient Experience 2018 Gwelliannau Ystadau ac Amgylcheddol Estates and Environmental Improvements Adolygiadau Llywodraethu Governance Reviews

8 2018 Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15
Ansawdd a Phrofiad y Claf – Quality and Patient Experience QSE uwch adran sefydledig Established divisional QSE Grŵp profiad y claf wedi’i sefydlu Patient experience group established Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Gwell ymatebion PTR Improved PTR responses Lleihad yn nifer o welyau y tu allan i’r ardal a ddefnyddir Reduction in use out of area beds 2018

9 Ein taith…-Our journey…
Adolygiad Gwasanaeth a Strategaeth Strategy and Service Review Arweinyddiaeth Llywodraethu ac Atebolrwydd Leadership Governance & Accountability Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Ansawdd a Phrofiad y Claf Quality and Patient Experience Gwelliannau Ystadau ac Amgylcheddol Estates and Environmental Improvements 2018 Adolygiadau Llywodraethu Governance Reviews

10 2018 Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15
Adolygiadau Llywodraethu – Governance Reviews Adolygiad o Drefniadau Llywodraethu Review of Governance Arrangements Fframwaith Llywodraethu Newydd wedi’i sefydlu New Governance Framework established Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Digwyddiad dysgu llwyddiannus yn canolbwyntio ar SUI Successful learning event Focussing on SUI Adroddiad Drafft Thematig Draft Thematic Report 2018

11 Ein taith…-Our journey…
Adolygiad Gwasanaeth a Strategaeth Strategy and Service Review Arweinyddiaeth, Llywodraethu ac Atebolrwydd Leadership Governance & Accountability Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Ansawdd a Phrofiad y Claf Quality and Patient Experience 2018 Gwelliannau Ystadau ac Amgylcheddol Estates and Environmental Improvements Adolygiadau Llywodraethu Governance Reviews

12 2018 Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15
Gwelliannau Ystadau ac Amgylcheddol – Estates and Environmental Improvements Adolygiadau Ymddiried mewn Gofal Trusted to care reviews Rhaglen Gwelliannau Amgylcheddol Environmental Improvement Programme Mesurau Arbennig Special Measures 2014/15 Gwelliannau amgylcheddol pellach Further environmental improvement Rhaglen ailddatblygu Anit-ligature progamme Safle arfaethedig ailddatblygiad i Lywodraeth Cymru Proposed site redevelopment to W.G 2018

13 Edrych tua’r dyfodol Looking forward…
Adolygu ein Systemau Llywodraethu ac Adrodd Review our Governance & Reporting Systems Gweithredu argymhellion yn dilyn Adroddiad Annibynnol HASCAS Tawel Fan Implement recommendations following the Tawel Fan Independent HASCAS Report Edrych tua’r dyfodol Looking forward… Datblygu Strategaeth Anableddau Dysgu Develop Learning Disability Strategy

14 Edrych tua’r dyfodol Looking forward…
Parhau i ddatblygu’r cynllun Camddefnyddio Sylweddau a gweithredu fframwaith sy’n codi ar y cyd Continue to develop the Substance Misuse plan and implement co-occurring framework Gweithredu Cynllun Gwella Ansawdd a Sicrwydd Thematig; Fframwaith Mesurau Arbennig Implement Thematic Quality and Assurance Improvement Plan; Special Measures Framework Edrych tua’r dyfodol Looking forward…

15 Ond peidiwch â chymryd ein gair amdano…
But don’t take our word for it…

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