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Jeopardy types of bridges Stresses Factors Bridge shapes

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy types of bridges Stresses Factors Bridge shapes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy types of bridges Stresses Factors Bridge shapes real life apps 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 100 Points What type of bridge is pictured below? Back | Answer |

3 200 Points What type of bridge is shown in the picture below? Back |
Answer | Music

4 300 Points What is the name of the bridge in the picture below? Back |
Answer | Music

5 What is an advantage and disadvantage of a suspension bridge?
400 Points What is an advantage and disadvantage of a suspension bridge? Back | Answer | Music

6 500 Points Name the three different arch bridges and difference between them. Back | Answer | Music

7 What type of stress is described with the word pull?
100 Points What type of stress is described with the word pull? Back | Answer | Music

8 What is one word to describe shear force?
200 Points What is one word to describe shear force? Back | Answer | Music

9 What two forces make up the bending force?
300 Points What two forces make up the bending force? Back | Answer | Music

10 Name something that is under stress but not strain. Be specific.
400 Points Name something that is under stress but not strain. Be specific. Back | Answer | Music

11 500 Points In a bending beam, what is the area called that is not under compression or tension? Back | Answer | Music

12 100 Points Name a factor that helps determine the strength of a beam and an example to demonstrate it. Back | Answer | Music

13 200 Points Which one will bend less? Why? or Back | Answer | Music

14 300 Points Name something that demonstrates how they type of material could affect the strength of a bridge. Back | Answer | Music

15 400 Points What is the 2 most important factor when determining the strength of a beam? Back | Answer | Music

16 500 Points Name 3 factors that engineers have to think about when designing a bridge that are not one of the 7 factors that determine strength. Back | Answer | Music

17 A truss is made up of what shape?
100 Points A truss is made up of what shape? Back | Answer | Music

18 How do you prevent a rectangle from distorting?
200 Points How do you prevent a rectangle from distorting? Back | Answer | Music

19 300 Points Which part of a triangle can hold the most weight? Back |
Answer | Music

20 Why are trusses so strong?
400 Points Why are trusses so strong? (2 reasons) Back | Answer | Music

21 500 Points Name 2 out of the three ways to prevent an arch from distorting. Back | Answer | Music

22 100 Points What force is holding up a hanging plant, when it is hanging from the ceiling? Back | Answer | Music

23 Point out where tension and compression occur in the bridge below.
200 Points Point out where tension and compression occur in the bridge below. Back | Answer | Music

24 What type of stress destroyed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge?
300 Points What type of stress destroyed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge? Back | Answer | Music

25 What type of stress caused the destruction in the picture shown below?
400 Points What type of stress caused the destruction in the picture shown below? Back | Answer | Music

26 The invention of the train caused a lot of bridge to fail. why?
500 Points The invention of the train caused a lot of bridge to fail. why? Back | Answer | Music

27 100 Points post and beam Score | Back

28 200 Points cantilever bridge Score | Back

29 300 Points cable stayed bridge Score | Back

30 400 Points +Can span long distances - not as sturdy Score | Back

31 500 Points deck arch bridge- under the roadway
Through arch bridge- arch goes through above roadway half-through arch bridge- bridge is half above/half below the roadway Score | Back

32 100 Points Tension Score | Back

33 200 Points slide Score | Back

34 compression and tension
300 Points compression and tension Score | Back

35 400 Points answers will vary Score | Back

36 500 Points neutral axis Score | Back

37 100 Points Score | Back

38 200 Points the shorter one because the supports are more spread out. (length of span is one of the factors that determine the strength of beam) Score | Back

39 300 Points answers will vary Score | Back

40 400 Points Shape and depth Score | Back

41 weather, temperature, earthquakes, top soil type...
500 Points weather, temperature, earthquakes, top soil type... Score | Back

42 100 Points triangles Score | Back

43 put a beam diagonally across it to form two triangles
200 Points put a beam diagonally across it to form two triangles Score | Back

44 300 Points the top point Score | Back

45 Thicker without using much extra material made out of triangles
400 Points Thicker without using much extra material made out of triangles Score | Back

46 1. add buttresses to the outside of the arch
500 Points 1. add buttresses to the outside of the arch 2. set the arches up as a series of arches 3. tie the ends/feet together Score | Back

47 100 Points tension Score | Back

48 200 Points Score | Back

49 300 Points Torsion Score | Back

50 400 Points Torsion Score | Back

51 heavy, caused vibrations
500 Points heavy, caused vibrations Score | Back

52 Scores Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Back

53 Daily Double!!! Please pick up a pen from the pen tray and, in the box below, write down the amount that you are willing to wager. Back | Go To Daily Double Question | Music

54 Daily Double!!! What is bouyancy? Back | Go To Daily Double Answer |

55 Daily Double!!! How well an object floats in water Score | Back

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