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Identifying Barriers to Fish Passage in Mason County

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1 Identifying Barriers to Fish Passage in Mason County
CEE 424: GIS for Civil Engineers Tom Satterthwaite Fall 2009

2 Overview Purpose: Use GIS data to develop a list of priority fish passage locations as potential restoration projects for further investigation Define priority fish barriers Review regulatory and non-regulatory practices in crossing a fish bearing stream Analyze an inventory of fish barriers resulting from road construction Study area: Mason County, WA

3 Fish Barriers Prevent fish, especially salmon, from reaching critical habitat Man-made fish barriers: roads dams reservoirs Natural barriers: debris or water falls Barriers can be partial or complete barrier at Middle Stimson; this barrier has been replaced Photo: Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group

4 Salmon Species native to Mason County
chum chinook coho sockeye Sources: King County Salmon and Trout Identification; and U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service; pink

5 Regulatory Background
WAC : bridges are preferred method to cross a fish bearing stream Less expensive methods: temporary culverts bottomless arch culverts arch culverts round culverts new bridge to cross stream at Bear Creek Dewatto Culvert Replacement Project. Photo: Mason County Baffles and weirs used to fix existing culverts, but are no longer preferred.

6 Agency & Public Involvement
State agencies: WDFW, WSDOT, WDOE Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA) Mason County Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups Many non-profit organizations and individuals

7 GIS Data Obtained GIS data from:
Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Washington Department of Transportation Mason County Washington Department of Ecology Constraints for high priority passages method of filtering for blocked passages: blocked passage had to be in the vicinity of a stream with a depressed or critical population, chose 200 feet to obtain points close to the mouth of a tributary.

8 Culvert Replacement After: Bear Creek replacement culvert eliminates barrier problem to access critical habitat Before: Bear Creek fish barrier Source: Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group; Habitat Restoration Projects; Culvert Projects.

9 Blocked Fish Passage Selection Points

10 Ten Locations Selected
for further investigation

11 Initial Findings Partially blocked fish passages found: 388
Totally blocked fish passages found: 140 Blocked fish passages that meet the initial screening: 15 3 are ineligible due to proximity to State Roads, 2 because they are natural barriers Final number of fish barrier locations selected: 10

12 Next Steps Contact state and local agencies and regional fisheries enhancement groups. Conduct a barrier assessment, as outlined in WDFW’s Fish Barrier and Surface Water Diversion Screening Assessment and Prioritization Manual (August 2000)

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