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A Worldwide Depression

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1 A Worldwide Depression
After World War I, an economic depression in the United States spreads throughout the world and lasts for a decade. 1920s & 1930s

2 Use your name before each tweet
Communicate to each other via tweets or prompts on the paper. Your discussions should be about the picture only! Use your name before each tweet When looking at the picture think about the following: What is being shown? What time period? What is happening? How do you know? How do you feel looking at this picture? What do you think the people are feeling? What information is being explained in the graphs? You need to have ONE original tweet and reply or comment on TWO other tweets.

3 Post-WWI map Label the following: Albania Norway Switzerland Sweden
Estonia Finland Latvia Germany Lithuania Austria Poland Hungary East Prussia Czechoslovakia Baltic Sea France Black sea Spain Atlantic Ocean Portugal Mediterranean Sea Italy Create a number key for the Following : Soviet Union Romania Netherlands Greece Luxemburg Bulgaria Belgium Africa Denmark Yugoslavia Turkey Great Britain Ireland Pages in book: Pg. 288 and 293 Color your map a minimum of 5 colors!! Answer the following questions: 1. List the new nations that have emerged on this map compared to previous map of Europe in 1914. 2. Which nations/empires now no longer exist on this map compared to the previous map? 3. Did any nations get bigger or smaller compared to the previous map? If yes, which ones?

4 Postwar Europe Unstable New Democracies Fall of kingdoms
Lack of Representative governments Some form coalition governments Frequent changes = instability

5 The Weimar Republic Democracy in Germany Weimar Republic—
Government has serious weaknesses Inflation Causes Crisis in Germany Value of German currency Attempts at Economic Stability American bank loans Efforts at a Lasting Peace Germany and France sign treaty pledging no more war Kellogg-Briand pact (Treaty)

6 Hyper-Inflation in Germany: 1923

7 Dawes Plan (1924)

8 Young Plan (1930) For three generations, you’ll have to slave away!
$26,350,000,000 to be paid over a period of 58½ years. By 1931, Hoover declared a debt moratorium.

9 Financial Collapse A Flawed U.S. Economy
Weaknesses in American economy cause serious problems Economy Boomed in the 1920s But…. Wealth is distributed unevenly Most people are too poor to buy goods produced-- buying on credit, cut back on production = lay offs Farmers produce more food than people can eat which does what to food prices? Many farmers cannot repay loans and lose their land

10 Financial Collapse The Stock Market Crashes
Causes: speculation ; buying on margin People frantically tried to sell stocks and those that had bought stocks on margin were left with huge debts Oct. 29,1929: Black Tuesday Economic Downturn: Great Depression—long business & economic slump of 1930s Marked by bank failures, loss of savings, unemployment A Global Depression How does US depression lead to world wide depression? Effects Throughout the World Germany and Austria suffer greatly, as do Asia and Latin America

11 The World Confronts the Crisis
Britain Takes Steps to Improve Its Economy France Responds to Economic Crisis Socialist Governments Find Solutions (Sweden, Norway & Denmark)

12 U.S. struggles to recover
Recovery in the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt— New Deal— Government created jobs by:: Projects Business & Farmers Professionals The economy got slightly better, but recovery was slow. Ultimately, it was government spending in WWII that got the US of the depression.

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