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Social Media Enhancing learning, teaching and assessment: Donald Maclean, Perth College UHI Introduction. Examples from Perth college, but hundreds of.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Enhancing learning, teaching and assessment: Donald Maclean, Perth College UHI Introduction. Examples from Perth college, but hundreds of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Enhancing learning, teaching and assessment: Donald Maclean, Perth College UHI Introduction. Examples from Perth college, but hundreds of social media tools available…

2 Facebook Course announcements Reminders Social/fundraising pics
Best practice Facebook. Probably the most popular tool for academic use. Mostly private, immediate communication. BYOD. Training and guidance offered for staff.

3 Twitter Staff CPD Best industry practice High profile Tweeters
Twitter not used so much for communication, different type of tool. Training and guidance offered for professional CPD use. Students use to ‘follow’ industry leaders, innovaters, etc.

4 YouTube Case studies Practical tasks Interviews Lectures Best practice
YouTube used for storage, and embedding in learning materials. Embedding avoids ad and ‘other content’ distractions on YouTube site.

5 Whatsapp Course announcements Reminders Social/fundraising pics
Tied to phone no WhatsApp. Unusual tool, as tied to a mobile phone number, so some privacy issues. Business Department feedback all good. Very ‘immediate’, very ‘intimate’, students responded well to what might have been seen as ‘intrusive’.

6 Assessment Formative assessment No student login BYOD Instant feedback
Export results Socrative. Free, easy to use, no logins for students, use a phone/tablet/computer. Immediate feedback for student, export results. Formative assessment only??

7 Issues? As above, and perhaps mention ‘buy-in’? What if students not willing to use social media, particularly their own private accounts?

8 Contact

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