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PTO General Meeting February 18, 2016

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1 PTO General Meeting February 18, 2016
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Growth Mindset/GRIT/Failure is an option Maker space Learning Management System (LMS)

2 Social Emotional Learning

3 What is Social Emotional Learning?
Self-Management Self-Awareness Relationships Decision Making

4 Studies show that sustained and well-integrated social and emotional learning (SEL) programs can help schools engage their students and improve achievement. Teaching the soft skills, traditionally associated with conflict resolution and character education, has evolved from being considered "wishy-washy" to being an integral part of educating the whole child. Helping students develop a sense of self will ultimately help them to better manage their emotions, communicate, and resolve conflicts nonviolently.

5 What is anxiety? Physiological response that can be normal and adaptive. Helps us get out of harm’s way and prepare for important events; it warns us when we need to take action. Normal response, however can become problematic when it is persistent, uncontrollable, overwhelming, and interferes with daily activities. Anxiety occurs when the demands of the situation exceeds the persons capacities to perform and ability to cope Many factors to keep into consideration: Family history, chemical imbalance, environmental factors, personality traits and/or temperament

6 How can we Help? Social/Emotional learning is key
Everyone struggles with some anxiety every day. Teaching our students at a young age how to better manage daily worries will be a huge benefit to them as they grow to become the adults we know they can be! Calming/Relaxation Apps can be made available.

7 Need a school wide framework—splintered now
Not in a binder; needs to be embedded Visited schools this year Professional development—see the need Continue to utilize Mrs. Jones and her work with students (more than ever!)





12 Growth Mindset


14 Growth Mindset, Grit and Failure (it IS an option!)

15 “Listen for your fixed mindset voice, and when you hear it talk back with a growth mindset voice. If you hear I can’t do it, add YET.”

16 Focusing on feedback using a growth mindset
Adding the word “YET”! Stressing that failure actually is an option and helps us learn




20 Maker Space

21 What is a Maker Space? a collaborative work space used for making, learning, exploring and sharing that uses high tech to no tech tools usually have a variety of maker equipment ranging from 3D printers, laser cutters, soldering irons sewing machines, cardboard, Legos and art supplies creating something out of nothing and exploring your own interests These spaces are also helping to prepare those who need the critical 21st century skills in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).  They provide hands on learning, help with critical thinking skills and even boost self-confidence.


23 Researched this year Visited other schools Workshops and professional development Trying to figure out logistics—where when? Start small? Cart? Recess? After school? District Cart coming in April

24 Learning Management System (LMS)

25 What is an LMS? Link to Video if needed:
Let’s find out what an LMS is and how it could help the students and families of CCS.

26 Researched this year District Committees Chose an LMS--Canvas Beta Testing starting next month Ready to roll this fall

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