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The Challenges of Internal Marketing Diane Hawkins

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2 The Challenges of Internal Marketing Diane Hawkins
Preaching to the Choir The Challenges of Internal Marketing Diane Hawkins

3 Learning Objectives Get to know your congregation
Plan ahead (and be creative) Tell your story (and have fun)

4 Get to know your congregation
Kentucky State University: 650 employees (Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z) Communications channels: Daily announcements (Constant Contact e-newsletter), digital signage, University website and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Periscope)

5 Project: Introducing … Oracle
The news release: But wait … there’s more! Team ADDVANTUM (28 employees) moves to KSU’s campus to replace an aging computer system with a more efficient cloud-based system. (Who are they? Why are they here? What is going on?)

6 Telling the Oracle/Addvantum story (remember to have fun)
Q&A campaign included 130 seconds with the Addvantum team. An on-campus video for KSU employees to learn more about Oracle:

7 Telling the Oracle/Addvantum story
Digital signage of KSU’s transition to the Oracle cloud.

8 Digital storytelling Use online sharing tools to create an informative and visually appealing story. (Canva, Adobe Illustrator) Mistakes happen – check your gramma!  (Ginger, Grammarly, Hemingway Editor)

9 Technology: Embrace it
In addition to my Oracle project, here is another example of how to tell your story internally, well, sort of:

10 Discussion: What are some of your challenges with internal communications at your workplace? What are your goals? What kind of exciting plans do you have for your office or department? What has been the best way/tool/practice to communicate with your internal stakeholders? Questions?

11 Thank you for attending!
Please remember to complete the evaluation form of this session and turn it in to our moderator or at the conference registration desk. Enjoy the rest of the conference!

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