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Europe In The Middle Ages.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe In The Middle Ages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe In The Middle Ages

2 Holy Roman Empire

3 Roman Empire Decline Empire protected much of Europe
Empire grew too large to be protected Cost too much money to maintain army

4 Empire Attacked Invaders attacked and took over parts of the empire.
Destroyed towns and cut off trade routes Kept their own languages, cultures, and laws. This broke the bonds that kept the empire together. Most of Europe became illiterate.

5 Charlemagne King of the Franks in 768
Claimed the area called Gaul (France) He conquered most of Western Europe by force He united Europe and created schools to promote learning and literacy. Empire declined after his death and invaders had taken over by the end of the 800’s

6 Rise of Feudalism Vikings attacked Europe from 800 – 1100
No one in Europe was safe Rich and poor were threatened by the Vikings (same as Japan) A system had to be created to restore order

7 Feudalism System where less powerful people pledged their loyalty to more powerful people in return for security Power belonged to people who owned land Landowners gave pieces of land (fiefs) to others who promised loyalty and would fight for the landowner

8 Feudalism Lord – person who owned the land
Vassal – person given land in return for loyalty The Lord promised to treat the Vassal with honor and protect his family Vassals also helped the Lord to make decisions and paid taxes to him for the land they were given

9 Feudal Pyramid

10 Feudalism Manor- a large estate that included a village and farmlands inhabited by peasants Source of wealth for Lords and Kings A self-sustained community Ruled by the Lord….made the laws and acted as judge Manors had laborers (peasants) and skilled workers (blacksmith, etc.) Safe living environment for poor

11 Manor

12 Peasants Did all labor on manors
Given small pieces of land to farm for themselves Most peasants were serfs, which meant they belonged to the land They were part of the manor, no freedom A serf could buy their freedom or escape and remain free for 1 year (worth it?)

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