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Emulsion Task Force (ETF)

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1 Emulsion Task Force (ETF)
AASHTO TSP2 ETF Meeting BOSTON Ma– Nov 29-30, 2017 By: Colin A. Franco, P.E. Assc. Chief Eng. RIDOT

2 PPETG Pavement Preservation Expert Task Group (PPETG)
Established in 1991 – (Jim Sorenson of FHWA) Promote the institutionalization of the concepts of pavement preservation Parent group of “Emulsion Task Force”

3 PPETG Mission of PPETG To advance and improve the state of the practice in the area of pavement preservation. Working collaboratively with: Federal State Local Agencies Industry Academia

4 PPETG Goals of PPETG Acceptance and Implementation of pavement preservation by state and local agencies Support preservation programs at the federal, state, and local levels Identify and address stakeholder needs Support preservation centers for excellence/regional organizations Integrate pavement preservation into pavement management / asset management

5 ETF ETF is an AASHTO affiliated Group supported by the TSp2 program
The ETF is an all volunteer stake holder working group


7 Encourage Adoption of Uniform National Standards
ETF Original Mandate Advance the Effort to Develop Performance Based Methods & Specification for Emulsions (SPG) Protocols for design – Materials Specs, Design Practices Protocols for performance – Best Practices Protocols for inspection & acceptance - QA Encourage Adoption of Uniform National Standards AASHTO – TSP2, Regional Partnerships FHWA - EGT

8 Added Tasks (2013 – Present)
ETF Added Tasks (2013 – Present) Develop Performance Specifications and Design Standards for Adoption by AASHTO for All Emulsion Treatments and Uses in Pavement Work with the PPETG and other stake holders to Facilitate Adoption of Emulsion Treatments in Pavement Preservation Programs

9 Current Membership (2013 – Present)
ETF Current Membership (2013 – Present) Co-Chair- Colin Franco RI DoT – [TSP2, PPETG, SOMtrls, RRAC, SHRP2, LTPP] Co-Chair- Chris Lubbers - Kraton Polymers Members From: - Industry: AEMA/ ARRA/ ISSA/FP2 - Academia: CSU/ Tx A&M/ U.WISC/ NC State - State DOT’s: TX, IA, RI, MN - FHWA - National Center Pavement Preservation (NCPP)

10 Current Subcommittees (2013 – Present)
ETF Current Subcommittees (2013 – Present) Residue Recovery and Testing Arlis Kadrmas (Chair) BASF - AEMA Design Group Spray – Gary Hicks (Co-chair) - CSU Mix – Jim Moulthrop (Co-chair) - Fugro FP2 Supplier Certification and Quality Assurance Larry Galehouse Todd Shields (Co-Chair) - IADOT Recycling Emulsions Todd Thomas (Chair) - COLAS ARRA ( VACANT ) Research Darren Hazlett (Chair) – TxDOT (VACANT) SWG (Special Working Group) – Cood the emulsion binder specifications among all the subcommittee/among treatments – Mike Voth (FHWA Lands)

11 ETF Accomplishments – Pre 2013 AASHTO Standards 2010
Four Standards submitted to AASHTO for Adoption Standard Practice for Certifying Suppliers of Emulsified Asphalt – Provision (PP 71) Recovering Residue from Emulsified Asphalt using Low Temperature Evaporative Techniques – Provision (PP 72) Determining Asphalt Binder Bond Strength by Means of the Bitumen Bond Strength Test (BBS) – Provision (TP 91) Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder for Surface Treatments (Surface Performance Graded (SPG) Spec) – tabled

12 ETF Accomplishments – Pre 2013 AASHTO Standards 2011
Six Provisional Standards submitted to AASHTO (currently being reviewed by ETF) Test for Determining the Strain Sensitivity of Asphalt Emulsion Residue Using Strain Sweeps Performed on a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) Test for Embedment Depth of Chip Seal Aggregates in the Lab and the Field Test for Laboratory Chip Loss from Emulsified Asphalt Chip Seal Test for Measuring Moisture Loss from Chip Seals Test for Recovery of Asphalt from Emulsion by Stirred-Can Method Test for Field Emulsion Viscosity Note: -These have been tabled. -We have to decide on what to do next.

13 Best Practices Document (draft)
ETF Accomplishments – Pre 2013 Best Practices Document (draft) This was the original deliverable for Chip Seal and Micro-surfacing. Low Temperature Residue Recovery Method Plan for Inter-lab Study and data collection (ongoing) TP 72 Precision and bias study with AMRL for TP 72

14 ETF Reenergized Mission - 2013
Advance the Effort to Develop Performance Based Methods & Specification for Emulsions Encourage Adoption of Uniform National Standards Develop AASHTO STDs for all the Emulsion Treatments (listed on next slide) Materials Specs Test Methods Design Practices Construction Guide Specs

15 ETF Reenergized Mission - 2013 (PP) Project Development
Requirements for Project Development Project Selection – for the STIP Pavement Management System Experience of Pavement/Maintenance Engineers Project Design/Contract Documents Materials standards and specs for Emulsion Treatments Materials Specifications (M-Stds) Materials Design Practices (R-Stds)

16 ETF Reenergized Mission - 2013 (PP) Project Development (cont.)
Construction guide Standards Construction Guide Specifications Quality Assurance Specifications Acceptance Decision Quality Control Independent Assurance Certification

17 ETF Reenergized Mission - 2013
Emulsion Treatments Requiring AASHTO STDs Chip Seal Micro surfacing Tack Coat Fog Seal Scrub Sand Seal Slurry Seal Foam Asphalt Stabilization Bonded Surface Treatment (NOVA Chip) Cold Mixes Virgin Recycled CIR

18 ETF Next Steps Short Term Plan
Complete drafting of AASHTO STDs for remaining Emulsion treatments QA Protocols for Emulsion treatments starting with microsurfacing and chip seals Research Studies Update PP Research Roadmap

19 ETF Next Steps (cont.) Long Term Plans
QA Protocols for Emulsion Treatments Develop a SPG Specification for Emulsion Using Superpave Principles. (Original Mandate) Large Scale Studies / Research NCHRP Pooled Fund Promoting Emulsion Technologies - Up for discussion- new subcommittee ????

20 QA Protocols - Emulsion
ETF QA Protocols - Emulsion Work to develop QA Program for All Emulsion Treatments Materials QA: Acceptance Testing (Agency) QC - Quality Control (Contractor) IA - Independent Assurance (Agency) New Process / Product Acceptance Procedures Materials Certification: Agency Acceptance Plans QC Plans (Contractor) Vendor Supplied Material Certifications Workmanship QA: Equipment Calibration Construction Process Checks

21 ETF QA Protocols – (Cont.) Education and Training:
Define the training needs for Agency / Contactor Staff Education and Training Resources NHI TCCC - letter from TCCC Industry Sponsored Training Certification Program for Contractor / Agency Field Staff Note: National Center for Pavement Preservation is taking the lead on education and training.

22 ETF Development of a SPG Specification for Emulsion using Superpave Principles SWG Chair, Mike Voth of Federal Lands is leading this effort Research and Field studies being used for SPG development: TxDOT – Chip seals, Darren Hazlett with Dr. Amy Epps NCHRP project 9-50 – Dr. R. Kim at NC State Federal Lands chip seal research by Gayle King Note: SPG - Surface Performance Graded (2)This work will supplement the TxDOT SPG spec currently at the AASHTO SOM.

23 ETF ETF – Where Are We Going
Complete the AASHTO STDs for all Emulsion treatments Develop QA protocols for each Emulsion Treatment Education and Training of Agency and Contractor personnel Certification of Agency and Contractor personnel Develop a SPG Emulsion Specification using Superpave Principles

24 ETF ETF – Where Are We Going Promoting the use of Emulsions
Now that the AASHTO Standards exist for some Emulsion Treatments we need to: Devlop a marketing plan / marketing tools Promote the technology to Agencies Industry Academia – create course curricula By whom and how will this be done – For discussion Regional PP groups? AASHTO SOMat, SOMaint, SOHwyDesign, Asset Management?

25 Construction Guide Specs Emulsion Binder Standards
AASHTO STANDARDS Emulsion Treatments M / MP T / TP R W/ SOM Comments Construction Guide Specs Best Practices Chip Seal MP27-16 PP82-16  NCHRP 14-37 Microsurfacing MP28-16 PP83-16  Tack Coat  xx 2016 To SOM ballot  Fog Seal MP33-17  PP88-17 Scrub Seal xx  2017 To SOM ballot  Sand Seal Slurry Seal MP32-17 PP87-17  Foam Asphalt Stabilization Cold Mixes Reclamation: CIR MP31-17  PP86-17  NCHRP 9-62 Legend Emulsion Binder Standards M=Material Specs Emulsified Asphalt M140-16 T=Test Methods Cationic Emulsified Asphalt M208-16 R=Design Practices Polymer-Modified Cationic Emulsified Asphalt M316-16 P=Provisional xx=Year, Latest Edition

26 Big Wheels keep on rollin’…

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