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Loan Performance Insights

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1 Loan Performance Insights
Data Through February 2017 Mortgage Delinquency Rates Drift Lower

2 National Loan Performance Strongest in a Decade
Percent of Mortgages in Some Stage of Delinquency* in February 2017 “Serious delinquency and foreclosure rates continue to drift lower, and are at their lowest levels since September ” Dr. Frank Nothaft, Chief Economist 5.0% * 30 or more days past due, including foreclosures

3 Some States Curing More Slowly
“While delinquency rates generally declined, they remain high in some states, such as New York and New Jersey, although lower than a year ago.” Dr. Frank Nothaft, Chief Economist

4 Transition Rate Warning Light?
Just prior to the financial crisis (January 2007), the current-to- 30-day transition rate was 1.2 percent. The current-to-30-day transition rate in February 2017 was 1.0 percent, up from 0.8 percent in February 2016.

5 Visit to view the newest Loan Performance Insights Report Visit to view the latest from CoreLogic on housing and real estate trends

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