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Class 8 Spring 2017 Ang &Huan (2006)

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1 Class 8 Spring 2017 Ang &Huan (2006)
Chapter Mediation Class 8 Spring 2017 Ang &Huan (2006)


3 Moderator vs. Mediator Moderator variable (“separator”) Mediator
When or for whom a variable X most strongly predicts an outcome (criterion) variable Y (strength and direction + or -) Mediator The mechanism by which a predictor causes or explains the outcome

4 Moderation Analyses: Regression
P: Alcohol use M: Gender Depression Alcohol Use X Gender M F

5 Mediation Establishes How or Why a variable causes or predicts the criterion (or outcome) variable. Mediator is the mechanism by which predictor causes or explains the outcome Predictor Outcome Predictor  Mediator ---Outcome Parent Drinking----F. Conflict - Low Self Esteem

6 Mediation: Baron & Kenny (1986) The Beginning Model
c Y X

7 The Mediational Model M b a c' Y X

8 Baron and Kenny procedure
X  Y (test path c)  M (test path a) M (and X)  Y (test path b) X (and M)  Y (test path c′ ) Analyses 3 and 4 use the same regression equation.

9 Sobel Test Calculator
Whether the indirect effect of the predictor on the criterion via the mediator is significantly different from zero Numbers needed a = raw (unstandardized) regression coefficient for the association between predictor and mediator. sa = standard error of a. b = raw coefficient for the association between the mediator and the outcome (when the predictor is also a predictor of the DV). sb = standard error of b.

10 Ang & Huan (2012) b a c

11 Ang & Huan (2012) b a c C” Suicidal Ideation Academic stress
Depression b a c Suicidal Ideation Academic stress C”

12 Depression a b C Academic Stress Suicidal ideation C’

13 Depression r = a =.25** r = .62**/b=.60** C’ =.22** Academic Stress Suicidal ideation C =.07*

14 Mediation Model Ang & Huan (2006)

15 Strength of Mediated Effect
Sobel Test- Indicated if change in academic stress Bs from Path c to path c’ is statistically significant Shrout & Bolger (2002) Proportion of relation of academic stress to suicide ideation that is mediated by depression Calculated from the unstandardized Bs for paths ab& c; requires a sample size of about 500 ab/c = ( ) ( )/ ( ) = ( ) / ( ) = = 74%

16 Strength of Mediated Effect
Sobel Test- Indicated if change in academic stress Bs from Path c to path c’ is statistically significant Shrout & Bolger (2002) Proportion of relation of academic stress to suicide ideation that is mediated by depression ab/c = (.12) (2.71)/.44 = /.44 = = 74%

17 Mediation VS Indirect Effects

18 Class Example b a c Self-Reported Drinking Drinking Attitudes
Friends’ Drinking b a Self-Reported Drinking c Drinking Attitudes

19 Friends’ Drinking a =.88*** r=.49**/b=.12ns C’ = .53** Self- Drinking Drinking Attitudes C’=.43**

20 Path Analyses

21 SEM Model

22 Person Centered Approach
Identify groups of people who are similar and different Cluster Analysis Latent Class Profile Analyses Growth Mixture Analyses


24 Latent Profile/Class Analyses
Identify subgroups of people based on individual characteristics Profile - Continuous measure Class- Categorical measure Calculate probabilities of being in each group-

25 Growth Mixture Modeling

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