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AwD MidYear Review: Are We on Track?

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Presentation on theme: "AwD MidYear Review: Are We on Track?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AwD MidYear Review: Are We on Track?
Meryl Eisenberg, Facilitator, Adults with Disabilities Career, Technical, Adult and Community Education

2 #3rd Quarter Enrollment & Benchmarks reported through March 15, 2013
1st benchmark: 470 (81.8%) (projected 80%) 2nd benchmark: 375 (75%) (projected 70%) Need 47 1st benchmarks to reach goal of 517 Need 124 2nd benchmarks to reach goal of 499

3 Governor’s Budget Broward 921,413 Specific Appropriation 28- Has level funding appropriated for It will be important to follow what the House & Senate do in the Higher Education Appropriations Committee

4 Mid-Year Program Review 2012-13 Analysis
Substantiation of PLP from baseline assessment Clear, measurable Goals & Objectives Compatibility of AIEP with PBF Registration form data Thoroughness of Evaluation Reports Appropriateness of Pre/post assessment Alignment of classroom activities with grant description SECTION A PLP, Goals & Objectives SECTION B Evaluation of Performance SECTION C Evaluation Report SECTION D Pre/Post Assessment SECTION E Curriculum

5 SECTION A: Goals & Objectives/Benchmarks
Indicator #1 Indicator # 2 Is the annual goal clearly stated and can it be measured? RESULTS: Only 26% of student’s goals were written in observable, measurable terms that included the behavior, condition and criterion. Overall Rating:  Needs Improvement Is the information in the PLP clearly stated and supported by assessment data? RESULTS: For a majority of teachers, the PLP was substantiated by baseline data. Overall Rating:  Very good

6 Three Components of a Goal: 1st Behavior, 2nd Condition and 3rd Criterion
Observable Behavior: Student will state his name, write a simple sentence, or complete a job application, etc. (Starts with a verb) Condition: Format Context, Time and Tool Format: working in a small group, during a role play situation Context: in the sensory stimulation room, during an art activity, when eating lunch, Time: (during the first 20 minute of class, within 5 minutes of entering class, within 15 seconds of a verbal prompt) Tools (calculator, coins, ingredients, cue cards) Refer to handout describing the Three Components of a Goal

7 Third Component of a Goal: Criterion
3. Criterion: Descriptive statement that states the expected quality of the final results in clear, objective language Grade/Age Level: demonstrate reading skills at a 4th grade level as measured by ____________. Rate: Complete four of a five step assembly Time: Recite multiplication problems in 10 minutes, in a 15 minute observation Percentage: Express needs to 80% of the opportunities provided Descriptive Statement: states the expected quality of the final results in clear, objective language, e.g., develop social behaviors for initiating his own leisure activities in the community at least two times each week by inviting a friend to participate with him or attend an event. (5.04:Social Behaviors/ QOL)

8 SECTION A: Goals & Objectives/Benchmarks (continued)
Indicator # 4 Indicator # 3 Does the annual goal relate to the student’s needs as stated in the PLP? RESULTS: All goals related to the PLP. Some teachers did not select a Curriculum Goal # from one of the six domain areas and include one or more focus areas (QOL, LL, WP) Overall Rating:  Good Are the benchmarks written in specific ways to be able to measure their percent mastery? RESULTS: 26% of benchmarks were measurable. Overall, they need to be more specific to include the condition and criterion. Overall Rating:  Needs improvement

9 1st Sample Goal & Objectives/Benchmarks (Following Indicator #4)
Goal: Mary will demonstrate skills for making instant oatmeal in a microware for 4:5 attempts independently following initial prompts : Cooking Skills/QOLL,LL 1st Benchmark: Given a prompt, Mary will open the pantry door and remove a pack of instant oatmeal from an open box within 60 seconds in 4/5 trials with 100% accuracy 2nd benchmark: Having accessed a packet of oatmeal cereal, Mary will independently tear open the top of the cereal packet within 30 seconds in 4/5 trials with 100% accuracy 3rd benchmark: With an open packet of cereal, Mary will independently pour the cereal packet into a cup, add the water to the marker line, and microwave the cereal for 60 seconds in 4/5 trials with 100% accuracy.

10 2nd Example of Goal & Objectives/Benchmarks
Goal: John will demonstrate independence in work situations by independently completing three daily tasks in the school library during a 45 minute time period monitored by the job coach : Pre-employability Skills/WP 1st Benchmark: Given instructions for re-shelving books in the school library, John will complete this task independently for the first fifteen minutes of the training during a 45 minute period of time everyday for four consecut1ve weeks. 2nd Benchmark: Given instructions on filing papers, John will work independently on this task for the second fifteen minutes of the training period. 3rd Benchmark: Given instructions on using the paper shredder, John will be able to word independently on the task for the final fifteen minutes of the session everyday for four consecutive weeks.

11 SECTION A: Goals & Objectives/Benchmarks (continued)
Indicator # 6 Indicator # 5 Does the AIEP state the name of the Evaluator/implementer? * RESULTS: All but 2 teachers or 86% included their names on the AIEP. Overall Rating:  Needs Improvement *Grant requirement Does the AIEP describe the method used to monitor and evaluate progress and have evaluation dates? RESULTS: Yes Overall Rating:  Very good

12 SECTION A: Goals & Objectives/Benchmarks (continued)
Indicator # 7 Does student information on page 1 of the AIEP match the enrollment on the PBF Reg. Form? RESULTS: *Discrepancies noted in Date of AIEP, Disability Type and Student ID #’s. Overall Rating:  Needs Improvement Comments: Initial Enrollment=AIEP date Especially for New Students, when you receive the registration form back, be sure to record the student # onto the AIEP. Compare the Registration form with the AIEP for accuracy as this is what we use to report our data to the state and submit updates to Data Processor

13 SECTION B: AIEP Evaluation of Performance
Indicator # 8 Indicator # 9 If a benchmark was reported as mastered, was it met at 100% mastery? RESULTS: 93% reported at 100%, 17% at 80% Note: Mastery is at 100% so that is why it is important to write the conditions under which the benchmark will be mastered. Overall Rating:  Very good Are the dates, needs, and percentages entered correctly and up to date? RESULTS: 93% reported data correctly. One person left out needs (prompts) RESULTS: Overall Rating:  Very good Comments:  box for quarterly reporting period after data is reported.

14 SECTION C: AIEP Evaluation Report
Indicator # 11 Indicator # 10 Is the Evaluation Report up to date? * %, initials, comments? *Grant requirement RESULTS: Some records were missing teacher initials. Comments: If the person’s disability affects the manner in which they are going to demonstrate the goal, e.g, a physical impairment that requires them to have assistance to achieve the goal, then this should be recorded next to Comments. (not just on the anecdotal log) Overall Rating:  Very good Do benchmarks recorded as mastered match the benchmark date(s) in the PBF database? RESULTS: Yes, all benchmark dates were consistent between the AIEP and PBF Registration form. Overall Rating:  Excellent

15 SECTION D: Pre/Post Assessment
Indicator # 12 Is there evidence of evaluation for baseline and/or benchmark mastery, if applicable? RESULTS: Anecdotal descriptions, skills practice worksheets or task analysis of benchmarks are evidence of mastery. Overall Rating:  Very good

16 SECTION E: Curriculum Indicator # 14 Indicator # 13 Are classroom activities engaged aligned with the grant description for this program? RESULTS: YES Overall Rating:  very good Are students actively engaged in the activity? Do some work independently? RESULTS: The PASS structure allows for a multitude of activities to go on simultaneously while the teacher observes performance while building self-motivation and independence. Overall Rating:  Very good.

17 SECTION E: Curriculum (continued)
Indicator # 15 Does the teacher respond to students’ needs, monitor and provide feedback? RESULTS: Yes, this was found true in all teacher classrooms. Overall Rating: Very good

18 Follow-up On Mid-Year Report
On your implementation plan, there is a question that says, “Based on the feedback provided to you on your AwD Mid-Year Review Checklist, what area(s) do you plan to make improvements on? Please explain.” We’ll be expecting everyone to submit their assignments and respond to this question. Our plan is to spend some time with this piece at the beginning of next year prior to writing the new plans so we are all on track for and provide individual support where needed. Electronic copies of this presentation and all those presented today and the Implementation plan will be on an AwD Quia page. You’ll be ed a link to the site for you to establish your log-on.

19 AwD Midyear Review: Are we on Track?
Still to come…. 4th quarter data and benchmark completion- grant requirement is that we meet 100% of our enrollments and benchmarks.

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