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Final value theorem Conditions: f(t) is finite and converges

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1 Final value theorem Conditions: f(t) is finite and converges
or every pole of sF(s) has real part < 0

2 Input Output System H(s)
d(t),u(t) Output y(t) H(s) If the input x(t)=δ (t), the output is called the impulse response. If the input x(t)=u(t), the output is called the step response. If the input x(t)=Asin(wt), and H(s) is stable, output steady state is A|H(jw)|sin(wt+H(jw)) Poles: values of s at which TF  infinity Zeros: values of s at which TF = 0 Matlab commands: bode, nyquist,

3 Input Output Stability
System is BIBO stable if any bounded input generates bounded output Simple TF criteria: After common factor cancellation All poles have strictly negative real parts Sufficient condition: Asymptotically stable implies BIBO stable Time domain criteria:

4 Example G1 is not BIBO stable G2 and G3 are

5 Stability in State Space
Internal stability refers to the behavior of state variables in x(t): are they always bounded, or do they all converge to zero as t  ∞? Input output stability is concerned about the variables in y, in relation to u.

6 Asymptotically Stable
A system is asymptotically stable if for any arbitrary initial conditions, all variables in the system converge to 0 as t→∞ when input=0. All variables include y & its derivatives all state variables but y=Cx+Du=Cx if x→0 then y→0 only need to check x→0

7 Marginally Stable and unstable
A system is marginally stable if it is not asymptotically stable but no variable ever diverge to infinity as t→∞, when input=0. Note: At least one variable does not converge to 0, since system is not A.S. At least one variable becomes constant, sustains everlasting oscillation At least one eigen value on the jw axis A system is unstable if not A.S. nor M.S.

8 Criterion for A.S.

9 Criterion for M.S.



12 A single pole at: -1. BIBO stable!

13 Thm: If a system is A.S. then it is BIBO-stable But BIBO-stable does not imply A.S. (mathematically)

14 If there is no pole/zero cancellation,
BIBO-stable iff A.S. Exact pole/zero cancellation only happens mathematically, not in real systems. From now on, assume no p/z cancellation and hence: BIBO stable iff A.S. iff all char. val<0, iff all poles<0 iff all eigenvalues<0

15 A polynomial is said to be Hurwitz or stable if all of its roots are in O.L.H.P A system is stable if its char. polynomial is Hurwitz A nxn matrix is called Hurwitz or stable if its char. poly det(sI-A) is Hurwitz, or if all eigenvalues have real parts<0

16 Routh-Hurwitz Method From now on, when we say stability we mean A.S. / M.S. or unstable. We assume no pole/zero cancellation, A.S. BIBO stable M.S./unstable not BIBO stable Since stability is determined by denominator, so just work with d(s)

17 Routh Table

18 Repeat the process until s0 row
Stability criterion: d(s) is A.S. iff 1st col have same sign the # of sign changes in 1st col = # of roots in right half plane Note: if highest coeff in d(s) is 1, A.S. 1st col >0 If all roots of d(s) are <0, d(s) is Hurwitz

19 Example: ←has roots:3,2,-1

20 (1x3-2x5)/1=-7 (1x10-2x0)/1=10 (-7x5-1x10)/-7


22 Remember this

23 Remember this

24 e.g.

25 Routh Criteria Regular case: (1) A.S. 1st col. all same sign
(2)#sign changes in 1st col. =#roots with Re(.)>0 Special case 1: one whole row=0 Solution: 1) use prev. row to form aux. eq. A(s)=0 2) get 3) use coeff of in 0-row 4) continue

26 Example ←whole row=0







33 Replace by e


35 Useful case: parameter in d(s)
How to use: 1) form table as usual 2) set 1st col. >0 3) solve for parameter range for A.S. 2’) set one in 1st col=0 3’) solve for parameter that leads to M.S. or leads to sustained oscillation

36 Example + s+3 s(s+2)(s+1) Kp



39 k>0.5


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