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Welcome to Missouri Scholars Academy!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Missouri Scholars Academy!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Missouri Scholars Academy!!

2 Hello, Columbia! Suggested arrival times Trust the process 
Parents park in the garage across the street Medical Staff check-in Lunch on your own at a local restaurant or in the dining hall Optional Campus Tours Can we add the arrival times for each region below?

3 Packing 411 Please bring: Can bring: Don’t bring:
Bring ALL medications (RX and OTC) in a labeled Ziploc bag outside luggage Laundry detergent no PODS Quarters for Laundry Umbrella/raincoat Some (but not loads of) spending money Light blanket-A/C is often “gifted” Bedspread, pillows, sheets, towels, washcloths – While these are provided, it’s nice to have the comforts of home! Snacks in plastic containers Don’t bring: TVs, DVD players, Wii, laptops, Amps, etc. Refrigerator, weights, tennis rackets, sporting equipment

4 Think “business casual”
Opening Ceremony Following move-in and lunch, scholars and families join in Jesse Hall auditorium 1:30 pm Appropriate attire Think “business casual” Parent Orientation Review Scholar Handbook Campus Boundaries

5 Your Three Communities
1. House Nightly Meetings Mail, care packages, & daily schedules 2. Major Three hours/day Six days/week Varied activities Access to MU Facilities 3. Minor/PSD Two hours/day, five days/week RA and faculty member co-facilitate PSD

6 Typical Daily Schedule
Let’s walk through the schedule together

7 Three Special Days Alumni Day June 23 Family Day June 24
Mingle with scholars from previous Academies~ Family Day June 24 Parents can sign out their child starting at 8 AM Scholars must be returned by 5 PM Optional major/minor visits Teacher Appreciation Day June 25 Not all teachers will be able to attend Teachers get a glimpse into a “Day at MSA”

8 Miscellaneous Info Closing Ceremony Saturday, June 30 10:00 AM Must Do
Optional Activities Nametags. Always. Dress Code Cell Phone Policy No Outside Visitors Choir Jogging & Exercise Community Service Church Services Closing Ceremony Saturday, June 30 10:00 AM

9 Have Fun! This will be a great experience!
You’ve worked hard to be here or you wouldn’t have been selected!

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