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Mrs. Jones Harrison High School

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1 Mrs. Jones Harrison High School
Welcome to Stats! Mrs. Jones Harrison High School

2 What Is Statistics? Statistics is the science of data...
Data are numbers with a context. We study populations – large groups of individuals (people, animals or things) and draw conclusions about them by studying samples (smaller groups taken from the population)

3 AP Statistics We will study four major themes this year:
Analyzing Data – Graphing and Calculating Producing Data – Surveys and Experiments Probability - Chance Behavior Inference - Making Conclusions Based on Data

4 What Kind of Questions Do We Investigate?
What percentage of teenagers in America are overweight? What percentage of people can tell the difference between bottled water and tap water? Does texting while driving increase the likelihood of an accident? Should a cancer patient try a new treatment, or are the risks too great?

5 Syllabus-Expectations
My goal is for you to understand Statistics and how it plays a role in your current and future life. My hope is you will be successful in the course. My expectation is that you will put forth the effort necessary to be successful.

6 What do you need? You will need the following items for this course:
Graphing Calculator - Required (TI83+/84+ recommended) Binder - 2” for tables, handouts, notes, etc. Paper – notebook and graph Pencil, pen, highlighter Textboo Strong work ethic and a willingness to ask for help!

7 Your Textbook “Statistics Through Applications” 2nd Edition by Starnes, Yates, Moore Read It Study It Use It Take Care of It Bring it every day...

8 Let’s Talk Stats...

9 Instructions: 1) You have an index card with a number on it.
2) Go to the corresponding station number in Room 411. 3) Pick up 3 cups labeled A, B and C and bring them back to your seat. 4) Drink all the water in cup A, then all the water in B, then all the water in C. 5) WITHOUT DISCUSSING WITH OTHER STUDENTS, write on the index card the letter of the cup you think contains bottled water.

10 RESULTS What percentage of the class identified the bottled water correctly? Let’s assume no one can really tell the difference. What percentage of the class would you expect to guess correctly? How does this number compare to the percent of correct identifications in our class?

11 Can we really tell the difference?
SIMULATION: Using a die, roll 10 times. Let rolling a 1 or 2 mean a CORRECT GUESS Let rolling a 3, 4, 5 or 6 mean an INCORRECT GUESS. Calculate your proportion of CORRECT guesses. Repeat this process 4 more times and graph your five proportions on the graph paper. Based upon the simulation results….how many correct identifications would make you doubt that students were just guessing? Why?

12 Homework Get your supplies – including calculator
Get your syllabus signed

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