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OPORTO 29th&30th october 2013.

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1 OPORTO 29th&30th october 2013

2 The German-speaking Community The Brussels-Capital Region
Belgium EU.member since 1952 (founding member) is a federal state divided into and into 3 Regions 3 Communities The German-speaking Community The Brussels-Capital Region The Flemish Community The Walloon Region The Flemish Region The French Community

3 EURES in Belgium Public Employment Services :
VDAB for the Flemish region E.A.: 8 LE FOREM for the Walloon region E.A : 4 ACTIRIS For the Brussels-Capital region E.A.: 6 ADG for the German-speaking Community E.A : 1

4 Figures +/-11.000.000 Inhabitants 30.528 km²
Brussels-Capital Region: +/ Inhabitants Flemish Region : +/ Inhabitants Walloon Region : +/ Inhabitants +/ Inhabitants Sources :

5 Unemployment rate Flemish Region : 5.0 %
Labour market trends ( I ) Unemployment rate Brussels-Capital Region : 16.5,% Unemployment rate Flemish Region : 5.0 % National unemployment rate 8,1 % EU states average : 12% Employment rate : 67,6 % (average for EU states 68.6%) Active population : (2010) Unemployment rate Walloon Region : 10.3 % Sources : SPF Economie

6 Unemployment Rate Graph ( Eurostat 2013 mo2)

7 Labour market trends ( II )
In-coming / out-going Flanders is a receiving region Brussels & Wallonia are more sending regions of young graduated & qualified workers . Recruiting mostly to (…& from) France & TheNetherlands (same language): bit of everything Luxemburg (proximity & tradition) : finances, accountancy… Spain, italy (2nd,3rd immigr.) : design, architecture,tourism… UK (language) : finances, medias, communication… Germany : technique, engineering…

8 Economy : activities sectors
Extanding sectors Pétrochimistry / bio- & environmental industry Energy (électricity, gaz…) Finance (bank, insurance…) I.T. Health care Logistic, transport, distribution Télécom / internet Construction Economy : activities sectors

9 Most important enterprises
Aéronautic Sabca, Sonaca,Techspace Aero…+200 entreprises Food: Alpro, Chaudfontaine-Monopole, InBev, Vandemoortele, Bank: Cera Holding, Fortis, KBC, Kredietbank, Chemistry: Agfa-Gevaert Group, Ecover, Solvay, Yplon , Construction: Besix, CBR, Etex Group, Koramic, Distribution: Colruyt, Delhaize Le Lion Group, GIB Group, Maxi-Toys, Electronic: Barco…+144 entreprises Energy : Cegelec, Electrabel, Tractebel, Equipment: Delsey, Recticel, Soliver, Telindus Group, Xeikon Media : Casterman, IPM, Kinepolis Group, Rossel, RTBF, Mines/métals: Bekaert, Nyrstar, Umicore, Pharmacy: Innogenetics, Janssen Pharma, Plant Genetic Systems, UCB Group, Catering: Quick, Télécom Belgacom , Coditel, Mobistar, Transport DHL Airways, SN Brussels Airlines, Europeenne de Services, Clothes: C&A,

10 Available jobs Management and communication posts
Trades in the medical, social and personal-care sector Trades in the chemical, biological and pharmaceutical sectors Administrative and commercial posts Technical trades Sales trades and clothing manufacture trade categories Transport and logistics trades Horeca and tourism trades Teaching personnel Craft trade category Computing trades Construction trades Sources : CONSEIL SUPERIEUR DE L'EMPLOI, Rapport 2006, Ministère fédéral de l'Emploi et du Travail. 10


12 Working in Belgium Temporary work :
Other possibilities : Temporary work : Press : Recruitment agencies Informations centers Business creation : –

13 Working conditions (exemple)
Minimum wages depends from : Collective Labour agreement of the activity sectors, age, civil status, experience … ex : worker, 21 years old, single, Catering sector : ,00€ (bruto) Holidays pro year : 4 weeks 24 days if you work 6 days/week 20 days if you work 5 days/week Unemployment benefit depend from : age, civil status… How much : +/- 60% of the lost salary with a fixed limit Ex : young 21 years old single To qualify from 18 to 25 years : 12 working months 01 to 06th month 35,24> 54,70 €/day max. or 1916,24>1422,46 €/month max. 07 to 12th month 35,24> 50,99 €/day or 916,24>1325,74 €/month Since 13th month 35,24> 42,73 €/day or 916,24>1110,98 €/month

14 !!! European Commission !!! only !!!
Looking for a Job in the European Commission ? Different types of contract Only one site ! Only one way ! EPSO: European Personnel Selection Office Recrutements by examination only !!!

15 Living & Working conditions
Brussels: Studio/appartment Living-room + kitchen + bathroom + bedroom = +/- 700,-€ Ca

16 Living & Working conditions
Café in Brussels 1Café : 1,60 - 3,70 €. 1Cola : 1,80 - 3,50 € 1Beer : 1,80 - 3,50 € 1liter milk : ,70 >1,20 € 1loaf bread : ,60 >2,40 € Gasoline : 1,6... € Fuel : 1,4…€ Day-care 500,€ / month

17 Useful websites Official infos sites
Useful websites Official infos sites Press sites (Saturday) Others Jobs sites

18 Educational continuum Primary school (from 6 years)
Studying in Belgium Educational system : Kindergarden (from 2.5 years) - Educational continuum 1st step Primary school (from 6 years) Compulsory education 1st et 2nd years 2nd step 3rd et 4th years 5th et 6th years Secondary school 1st degree 3rd step 2nd degree 3rd degree to 18 years

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